Data Collections
Sorted by Austria Census & Voter Lists
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There are no Census & Voter Lists collections unique to Austria
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Data Collections
Sorted by Austria Birth, Marriage & Death
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St. Polten, Lower Austria, Catholic Church Records, 1628-1955 (in German)22,444,927
Galicia, Ukraine, Jewish Births, Marriages, and Deaths, 1789-1905Free1,906,215
Web: Global, Gravestone Photograph Index, 1265-2014Free876,327
Austria, Select Births and Baptisms, 1651-1940 (in German)250,020
Austria, Vienna, Jewish Registers of Births, Marriages and Deaths, 1784-1911 (in German)206,316
View all Austria Birth, Marriage & Death (10)

Data Collections
Sorted by Austria Military
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Germany & Austria, Directories of Military and Marine Officers, 1500-1939 (in German)213,429
Germany and Austria, Military and Marine Unit Histories, 1760-1933 (in German)134,887
Austria, Mauthausen/Gusen Concentration Camp Death Record Books , 1938-1945Free38,207
Ruhmeshalle der k.k. österreichischen Armee (in German)314
A sketch of the history of the war in Europe : from its commencement to the treaty of peace between France and Austria134
View all Austria Military (6)

Data Collections
Sorted by Austria Immigration & Travel
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Germany, Index of Jews Whose German Nationality was Annulled by Nazi Regime, 1935-1944 (in German)Free29,612
UK, Selected Records Relating to Kindertransport, 1938-1939 (USHMM) (in German)Free2,198
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Data Collections
Sorted by Austria Newspapers & Publications
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There are no Newspapers & Publications collections unique to Austria
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Data Collections
Sorted by Austria Pictures
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Siebmacher’s Wappenbuch, Coat of Arms (in German)147,252
Germany & Austria Historical Postcards, 1893-1963 (in German)Free25,047
Library of Congress Photochrom Print Collection: Germany, Austria, & Switzerland, 1890-1910 (in German)2,286
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Data Collections
Sorted by Austria Schools, Directories & Church Histories
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Österreichischer Amtskalender für das Jahr 1933 (in German)1,211
Jahrbuch und Adressbuch der Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Ergänzungsband, 1930-1931 (in German)959
Jahrbuch und Adreßbuch der Land- und Forstwirtschaft: Ergänzungsband, 1930-1931 (in German)956
Jahrbuch und Adreßbuch der Land- und Forstwirtschaft: Offizielles Agrar-Handbuch Österreichs, 1930-1931 (in German)786
Botaniker-Adressbuch: Sammlung von Namen und Adressen der lebenden Botaniker aller Länder, 1909 (in German)776
View all Austria Schools, Directories & Church Histories (10)

Data Collections
Sorted by Austria Convict, Criminal, Land & Wills
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Linz, Upper Austria, Austria, Miscellaneous City Records, 1485-1894 (in German)20,711
Austria, Upper Austria, Linz Citizen Rolls, 1658-1937 (in German)2,295
View other Convict, Criminal, Land & Wills collections related to Austria (3)

Data Collections
Sorted by Austria Reference, Dictionaries & Almanacs
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Siebmacher’s Wappenbuch, Coat of Arms (in German)147,252
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Data Collections
Sorted by Austria Maps, Atlases & Gazetteers
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There are no Maps, Atlases & Gazetteers collections unique to Austria
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Data Collections
Sorted by Austria Stories, Memories & Histories
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Siebmacher’s Wappenbuch, Coat of Arms (in German)147,252
Germany and Austria, Military and Marine Unit Histories, 1760-1933 (in German)134,887
Ebensee, Austria, Records of Displaced Persons, 1945 (USHMM)Free19,872
Die Österreichisch-Ungarische Monarchie in Wort und Bild6,886
UK, Selected Records Relating to Kindertransport, 1938-1939 (USHMM) (in German)Free2,198
View all Austria Stories, Memories & Histories (14)