
Name Charles de Tascher de la Pagerie
Birth Year 1811
Burial Year 1869
Burial Place Paris, Paris, France
Death Age 58
Cemetery Passy
Notes click here to see note:He was a cousin of the Empress Josephine (his godmother) through her paternal line; and later rose to be first chamberlain to the king of Bavaria and then to the Empress Eug�nie; wife of Napol�on III of France. He was also a member of the French Parliament. He was the grandson of Princess Sophie of Leyen and Hohengeroldseck; and a distant cousin of the British historian Lord Acton.
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Source Information Web: Global, Gravestone Photograph Index, 1265-2014 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2016.

Original data: Gravestone Photographic Resource. An international directory of grave monuments. Gravestone Photographic Resource. accessed 17 November 2014.


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