Source Information
Auswanderungsregister 1856–1877. Stadtarchiv Mainz, Germany.
About Mainz, Germany, Emigration Register, 1856-1877
This collection contains emigration registers for people departing from Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate, Norddeutscher Bund (Germany), to various destinations during the years 1856–1877. The city of Mainz is a major river port city located on the west bank of the Rhine opposite its confluence with the Main.
These registers are spread over two pages, organized by line number. The first page includes the serial number, name, age, and contract date (when passage was purchased). Browse to the second image to find the individual’s residence, the ship destination, departure port and planned date of departure. Note that the contract date might be the departure date, but it is usually a few weeks prior, when the passage was purchased.
These records are in German.