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View Record | Name | Birth Year | Departure Date | Destination | Ship |
Child With Polito | abt 1902 | Oct. 1905 | LONDON VIA PORTS | INDIA | |
Mr Polito | abt 1855 | Jan. 1896 | NZ PORTS VIA HOBART | ROTOMAHANA | |
Mrs Polito | abt 1878 | Apr. 1913 | LIVERPOOL VIA AFRICA | AENEAS | |
J Mr Polito | abt 1860 | Nov. 1900 | LONDON VIA PORTS | OCEANA | |
Antonio Mr Polito | abt 1878 | May 1913 | SYDNEY | ZIETEN I | |
J Mr Polito | abt 1865 | Dec. 1901 | LAUNCESTON | PATEENA VI | |
J J Mr Polito | abt 1858 | Oct. 1905 | LONDON VIA PORTS | INDIA | |
Miss Polito | abt 1890 | Jan. 1911 | SYDNEY VIA HOBART AND NZ PTS | MOERAKI | |
J J Mr Polito | abt 1865 | Apr. 1903 | MARSEILLES VIA PORTS | VILLE DE LA CIOTAT | |
Master Polito | abt 1905 | Jan. 1911 | SYDNEY VIA HOBART AND NZ PTS | MOERAKI | |
J Mr Polito | abt 1866 | Dec. 1898 | MARSEILLES | ARMAND BEHIC | |
J J Mr Polito | abt 1870 | Oct. 1911 | LONDON | CHINA | |
Mr Polito | abt 1865 | Jul. 1895 | LONDON VIA PORTS | CUZCO | |
J J Mr Polito | abt 1864 | Jan. 1898 | NEW ZEALAND VIA HOBART | TALUNE | |
Inft With Polito | Oct. 1905 | LONDON VIA PORTS | INDIA | ||
J J Mr Polito | abt 1861 | Dec. 1899 | LONDON | AUSTRAL II | |
H Miss Polito | abt 1902 | Apr. 1913 | LIVERPOOL VIA AFRICA | AENEAS | |
J J Mr Polito | abt 1858 | Jun. 1897 | LONDON VIA PORTS | CHINA | |
J Mr Polito | abt 1858 | Apr. 1895 | HOBART AND NZ | WAKATIPU | |
J Mr Polito | abt 1870 | Jul. 1896 | NEW ZEALAND VIA HOBART | MARAROA |