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View RecordNameRegistration DateResidence PlaceDestination Place
Julius Willers
2 Oct. 1882
New York City, New York State, USA
Henriette K. Willer
1 May 1888
Odense, Odense
Washington, Missouri, USA
Carl Adolf Willer
1 May 1888
Odense, Odense
Washington, Missouri, USA
Hanne Willer
4 Oct. 1889
Odense, Odense
Washington, Montana, USA
Karoline F. Willer
15 May 1890
Odense, Odense
New York City, New York State, USA
Aug. Willer
4 Oct. 1889
Odense, Odense
Washington, Montana, USA
Albert Eduard Willer
29 Jun. 1897
København, København
New York City, New York State, USA
Willy de Willer
1 Dec. 1903
København, København
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Jens Fred. Willer
3 Oct. 1907
Sorø, Sorø
Lawrence, USA
August Willer
4 Oct. 1889
Odense, Odense
Washington, Montana, USA
Ove de Willer
1 Dec. 1903
København, København
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Maren Willert
3 Oct. 1868
Olstrup (Lolland), Maribo
Omaha, Nebraska, USA
Antonie Willert
21 Nov. 1888
København, København
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Maren Katrine Willert
31 Aug. 1904
Fuglse (Lolland), Maribo
New York City, New York State, USA
Kirstine Birthe Willard
1 Sep. 1881
København, København
New York City, New York State, USA
Cecilia Bentsen Willard
1 Sep. 1881
København, København
New York City, New York State, USA
Kathrine Wahlers
12 May 1896
Maribo, Maribo
New York City, New York State, USA
Amalie Wahlers
25 Feb. 1903
Maribo, Maribo
New York City, New York State, USA
Kathrine Wahlers
25 Feb. 1903
Maribo, Maribo
New York City, New York State, USA