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View Record | Name | Birth Date | Emigration Date | Emigration Place | Realtive(s) | View Images |
Louis Nelin | ||||||
Louis Nelin | ||||||
Andreas Nylin | ||||||
Nils M. Nylin | ||||||
Sigurd Kristian Ludvig Nilon | ||||||
Karl August Nylén | ||||||
Helga Kristine Nälen | ||||||
Karl Nylin | ||||||
Lisa Nÿlen | ||||||
Anna Olavina Nylén | ||||||
Karl Georg Nylén | ||||||
Knut Gustavsen Nylen | ||||||
Hjalmar Øivind Nylen | ||||||
Wendel Lorenzo Nielen | ||||||
Thysa Marie Nylen | ||||||
Marten Nelin | ||||||
Simen Nielen | ||||||
Ole Nylen | ||||||
Leon Nylen | ||||||
Anna Nylen |