Source Information
About Sweden, Emigrants Registered in Church Books, 1783-1991
This database contains details on emigrants registered in church records and comprises over 2,300 parishes across Sweden. The index contains over 1.3 million entries, representing a little more than three-quarters of all Swedish emigrants during this time period.
The information in this database was gathered from Swedish Church volumes, and includes migration records, household examination rolls, and the Rote archives for parts of Stockholm. Additionally, information has also been extracted from sources such as Swedish-American church books and various newspaper articles. The time period of 1836 to 1895 has been systematically examined for all counties except Uppsala, Norrbotten, and Stockholm.
The data in this collection has been compiled as part of various Swedish projects over the past 20 years. The Swedish Emigrant Institute in Växjö was leading the national coordination of the project and finalized the release of a market product. The material had previously been available in CD format under the name "Emibas". Much of the material found in the database is from that CD, but has been updated and many new registration projects are underway.
The information in this description comes from EmiWeb.