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View RecordNameBirth YearNaturalization YearNaturalization PlaceView Image
Violet Saalmans
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA
Emily Sahlmann
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA
Anna Sallmen
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA
Elizabeth Salmann
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA
Anna Salmen
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA
Anna Salmen
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA
Daniel Salmen
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA
Daniel Salmen
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA
Emil Salmen
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA
Emilie Salmen
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA
Fred Salmen
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA
Johann Salmen
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA
Johanna Salmen
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA
John Wilhem Salmen
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA
John Salmen
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA
Michael Salmen
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA
Regina Salmen
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA
Reinhold Salmen
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA
Sara Salmen
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA
Sarah Salmen
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA