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View RecordNameBirth YearNaturalization YearNaturalization PlaceView Image
Mary Lahner
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA
Erica Helga Laner
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA
Marjorie Eileen Laner
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA
Sydney Laner
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA
Frances Leinart
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA
Joseph Leinart
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA
Albert Lenard
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA
Anna Lenard
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA
Casimir Rudolph Lenard
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA
Cecilia Lenard
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA
Emil Lenard
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA
Florence Lenard
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA
Krystyna Celina Lenard
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA
Lawrence Lenard
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA
Ludmila Lenard
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA
Mary Lenard
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA
Mary Lenard
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA
Marya Lenard
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA
Michael Lenard
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA
Stanley Lenard
xxxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USA