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View Record | Name | Birth Date | Birth Place | Issue Date | Certificate Number | View Images |
Frederick Max Stade | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Germany | |||||
Frederick Max Stade | xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Germany | |||||
Alexander Steed | xxxxxxxx Antrim | |||||
William Harley Stead | ||||||
William Harley Stead | ||||||
Alexander Steed | xxxxxxxx Amtrim | |||||
Edward George Stead | xxxxxxx Kent | |||||
Alexander Steed | xxxxxxxx Antrim | |||||
Edmund Theodore Stead | ||||||
William Harley Stead | ||||||
Richard Stead | xxxxxxxxxx Lancashire | |||||
Richard Stead | xxxxxxxxxx Lancashire | |||||
Bernard Lee Stead | ||||||
Christian Petersen Staats | xxxxxxxxxxx Denmark | |||||
William Edwards Staite | xxxxxxxx Somerset | |||||
William Edwards Staite | xxxxxxxx Gloucestershire | |||||
Edward George Stead | xxxxxxx Kent | |||||
Edward George Stead | xxxxxxx Kent | |||||
Joseph Rosedon Stead | xxxxxx Kent | |||||
James Elliott Stead |