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View Record | Name | Birth Date | Birth Place | Registration Date | Residence Place | View Images |
Charles Henry Dundore | xxxxxxxx Virginia | |||||
Jacob Bowman Dundore | xxxxxxxxxxxxx Rockingham, Virginia | |||||
Chester Arthur Dundore | xxxxxxxxxx Fairfield, Connecticut | |||||
Dwight Arthur Dundore | xxxxxxxxxx Fairfield, Connecticut | |||||
David Daniel Dundore | xxxxxxxxxxxxx Duval, Florida | |||||
Charles Catlin Dundore | ||||||
Peter Ashley Dundore | xxxxx xxxxxxx Los Angeles, California | |||||
Wayne Storey Dundore | xxxxxxxxxx Riverside, California | |||||
William Wright Dundore | xxxxx xxxxxxx Los Angeles, California | |||||
Raymond Daniel Dundore | ||||||
Raymond Daniel Dundore | ||||||
Richard Ferris Dundore | xxxxxxx Rock, Wisconsin | |||||
Paul Grimes Dundore | xxxxxxx Seneca, Ohio | |||||
Harris Earl Dundore | xxxxxxxxxxx Sandusky, Ohio | |||||
Walter Earl Dundore | xxxxxxx Sandusky, Ohio | |||||
Charles Paul Dundore | xxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxx Seneca, Ohio | |||||
John Ray Dundore | xxxxxxx Seneca, Ohio | |||||
Harry Benneville Dundore | xxxxxxx Seneca, Ohio | |||||
John Horace Dundore | xxxxxx Berrien, Michigan | |||||
Glenn Stanley Dundore |