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View Record | Name | Birth Date | Birth Place | Registration Date | Residence Place | View Images |
Anton Amstatt | xxxxxxx Douglas, Colorado | |||||
Herman Kid Amster | xxxxxxxxx Virginia | |||||
Jerome Amster | xxxxxxxx Virginia | |||||
Erwin Francis Amstead | xxxxxxxxx Connecticut | |||||
William Joseph Amstead | xxxxxxx xxxxxx Hartford, Connecticut | |||||
Alexander Amstein | xxxxxxxxxx Fairfield, Connecticut | |||||
Joseph Julius Amster | xxxx xxxxxx Palm Beach, Florida | |||||
Samuel William Amster | xxxxxx Dade, Florida | |||||
Walter William Amster | xxxxxx Dade, Florida | |||||
Hosie Amsted | xxx xxxxxx Morehouse, Louisiana | |||||
Robert Amster | xx xxxxxx Missouri | |||||
Walter Howard Amster | xxxxxx xxxxx Missouri | |||||
Alex Amstadt | xxxxxxxx Solano, California | |||||
John Wilbert Amstead | xxxxxxxxxx California | |||||
Robert Conrad Amstead | xxxxxxxxxx Imperial, California | |||||
Allen Thomas Amstein | xxx xxxxxxxxxx San Francisco, California | |||||
Edgar George Amstein | xxx xxxxxx San Diego, California | |||||
Harold Milton Amstein | xxx xxxxxxxxxx San Francisco, California | |||||
Hiller Bertram Amstein | xxxxxxxxx Monterey, California | |||||
Rudolph Carl Amstein | xxxxxxx xxxxxx Monterey, California |