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View Record | Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Spouse | Parent(s) | View Images |
Sybil Manger | xx xxxx 1808 | Nathaniel Dudley | ||||
Penia Manger | xx xxxx 1822 | Joseph McIlvaine | ||||
Charles Ernest Manger | ||||||
Ernest Matthias Manger | Laura Louisa Manger | |||||
Laura Louisa Manger | Ernest Matthias Manger | |||||
Tobitha Elizabeth Munger | x xxxx 1936 | Adolphus Fillmore Clark | ||||
Lois Munger | xxxx 1825 | Alverius Hopson | ||||
Thomas Orrin Munger | ||||||
Marshall Marvin Munger | xx xxxx 1938 | Sarah Ella Munger | ||||
Sarah Ella Munger | x xxxx 1949 | Marshall Marvin Munger | ||||
Francis Marion Munger | xx xxxx 1890 | Mary Salome Parks | ||||
Marvin Munger | xx xxxx 1863 | Salina Lewis | ||||
Nathaniel Munger | 1798 | Buela Cox | ||||
Jehiel Munger | Elsie Rogers | |||||
Nathaniel Munger | Elizabeth Bullen | |||||
Samuel Munger | Dorothy Evarts | |||||
Thomas Orrin Minger Jr | ||||||
Thomas Orrin Munger | Elizabeth Martha Shoop | |||||
Marvin Marshall Munger | xx xxxx 1938 | Sarha Ella Shy | ||||
Francis Marion Munger | xx xxxx 1890 | Mary Salome Parks |