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Wilhelm Roesch
Southampton, England
Patricia A Roesch
Southampton, England
Cora Roesch
Southampton, England
Herman Roesch
Southampton, England
Emelia Roesch
Southampton, England
Irvine Roesch
Southampton, England
Mr Chas Roesch
Southampton, England
Lona Roesch
Liverpool, England
Gustav Roesch
Southampton, England
Amalia Roesch
Southampton, England
Jacob Roesch
Glasgow, Scotland
Henry Roesch
Southampton, England
Eugene Roesch
Liverpool, England and Queenstown, Ireland
Esther Roesch
Liverpool, England
Mr Lothar Roesch
Plymouth, England
Louise Roesch
Liverpool, England
Henry Roesch
Southampton, England
Rose Roesch
Liverpool, England
J Albert Roesch
Southampton, England
George R Roesch
Liverpool, England