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Alphonse Jehl
Liverpool, England and Queenstown, Ireland
Eugenie Jehl
Liverpool, England
Mr Roy F Jehl
Plymouth, England
Geo Hy Gell
Liverpool, England
Rose Mary Gell
Liverpool, England
Phyliss Gell
Liverpool, England
Dorothy Gell
Liverpool, England
Margaret Gell
Liverpool, England
Harry J Gell
Southampton, England
Clyde C Gelles
London, England
Max Gelles
Greenock, Scotland
Liverpool, England
Nina Gell
London, England
Muriel F Gell
Southampton, England
William Gell
Southampton, England
William V Gell
Southampton, England
Nina Gell
Liverpool, England
Mary P Gell
Southampton, England
Harry Gell
Southampton, England
Eva L Gell
Southampton, England