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View RecordNameRegiment Name ExpandedSideRegiment State/Origin
Horace Q. Cilley
Abner Cilley
Union Regular Army
Abner Cilley
Union Regular Army
Marcus W. Cilley
John Cilley
New York
William E. Cilley
New York
Benjamin Cilley
New York
Henry D. Cilley
New York
James F. Cilley
New York
Daniel P. Cilley
New York
Henry D. Cilley
New York
James F. Cilley
Veteran Reserve Corps
James A. Cilley
New Hampshire
Otis G. Cilley
New Hampshire
George R. Cilley
New Hampshire
Joseph Cilley
New Hampshire
John K. Cilley
New Hampshire
George H. Cilley
New Hampshire
Martin J. Cilley
New Hampshire
Tristram Cilley
New Hampshire