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View Record | Name | Year range | Pension Office Place | Spouse | View Image |
George T Wager | xxxxxxx New York | ||||
Conrad Wager | xxxxxxx New York | ||||
Charles Wager | New Jersey | Hannah Wager | |||
Charles Wager | New Jersey | Hannah Wager | |||
George Wagers | xxxxxxx New York | ||||
Joseph Show | Kentucky | ||||
John Shows | New York | ||||
Conrad Wagor | xxxxxxx New York | ||||
David Weger | Missouri | ||||
George H Weger | District of Columbia | ||||
Abraham Van Scoy | New York | Hannah Van Scoy | |||
John Sho?? | xxxxxxx New York | ||||
John Scho?? | xxxxxxx New York | ||||
Abraham Van Scoy | xxxxxxx New York | ||||
Samuel Van Scoy | xxxxxxxxxxxxx Pennsylvania | ||||
Samuel Van Scoy | xxxxxxxxxxxxx Pennsylvania | ||||
Jacob Shoe | xxxxxxxxxx Ohio | ||||
Abraham Van Scoy | New York | ||||
Jonathan Van Seay | xxxxxxx New York | ||||
Alexander M??sh | xxxxxxx New York |