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Eleanor Agnes Wall
Elinor Minshall Vernon Wall
Elinor Minshall Vernon Wall
Elinor Minshall Vernon Wall
Deed of land from Conrad Walts to Peter Walts with mention of William Walts.
Conrad E Walts (born year)
Highlighted locations of Ellsworth, Walts and Mayo farms on an 1864 map, which figure prominently in genealogical records. Modern location of Ellsworth homestead is 26304 Perch Lake Rd, Watertown, New York 13601. Modern location of Walts farm is near 26525 Mustard Rd., Watertown, New York 16301. Modern location of the Mayo place is at or near 25393 Military Rd, Watertown, New York 13601. Not highlighted but also of note is that Wesley Ellsworth is buried at the Pettit Cemetery in Brownville, just a bit farther southwest of the Ellsworth and Mayo locations down Military Rd. (State Highway 53).
Conrad E Walts (born year)
Charles E. Wall
Charles E. Wall
Ellinor Willy