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Eleanor J Hill Iovine (born year)
3 Francesca / Frances Pasquala Iovine (Scaglione) (born year)
Gov document showing date of birth 04-04-1886, parents Domenicangelo Sticca and Carlino Maddalena, mother, and husband Iovine, Vincenzo di Donatangelo born 06/02/1918.
5 Elenora Sticca (Iovine) (born year)
5 Elenora Sticca (Iovine) (born year)
5 Elenora Sticca (Iovine) (born year)
Francis Louis "Frank" Iovine (born year)
Francis Louis "Frank" Iovine (born year)
Francescantonio Iovine (born year)
Back view of Michael Iovine's house in Zinga, Italy. Catherine Billotti and Linda Billotti McMullan
Michele Francesco Iovine (born year)
Front of 21 Via Pieta, birth house of Michael Iovine
Michele Francesco Iovine (born year)
Francesco Antonio Iovine (born year)
Francisco Iovine (born year)
Francisco Iovine (born year)
Francisco Iovine (born year)
Michele Francesco Iovine (born year)
Michele Francesco Iovine (born year)
Michele Francesco Iovine (born year)
Francesco Paolo (Frank) Iovine (born year)
Francesco 1893 Iovine (born year)
Salvatore F Iovine (born year)