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Ida Marian Balfour (born year)
The Fredrick Wylie Balfour Family Fergus Falls, Minnesota about 1902 -Back Row- Myron W., 1886-1945 - Robert L., 1884-1979 - Ida M., 1888-1975 - Cyrus L., 1890-1972 -Front Row- Fredrick W., 1857-1941 - Joyce E., 1896- - Jeanne, 1900- - Sarah L., 1859-1937 -The Girls Married Names- Ida, Mrs. Leonard Gebhardt - Joyce, Mrs. William Dussell - Jeanne, Mrs. Conrad Gieseke
Ida Marian Balfour (born year)
Fergus Falls MN Apr 26, 1922 Dear Robert - yours of 4-9 received some time ago & was very glad to get such a nice, long letter; had one from Myron last week saying he was writing you too; guess he don't like to wriet so much. I heard a roundabout way, that Ida had left the Normal & Minot & gone home but I don't know why. Wether someone is sick or not nothing from her. You surly faired well on your B.Day. It must be great to dine out early to those places - is it the Science Church alone, or is it everyone? The girls went to church on E. but I did not get out and it looked like rain (rained all night before) and I do not feel much like going out anywhere. It must be great to have a nice car and go wherever or whenever you want. Hope you have seen uncle Barney Bull and can tell me how he is. You never said anything about the Minnesota picnic this year, didn't you go? Mrs. Chase, grass, Frank Evans, Underwood and many more were in California last winter. I wondered why you had taken up "life insurance" for I did not think there was much to be made by you but a lot of 'wind' spent. Suppose it is cleaner than the rabbit business: guess you have had your hands full. I rushed, some years ago, but not now must fast and rest (have been for two months) and try to get outside more - not able to do much but will try a little garden. I wondered if you were out of the company job, why the insurance, Cyrus is pretty proud of the Blue Lodge and seems to think it would help the girls to join. He is dieting too, and has been for nearly 4 months, but works right along. Garden not plowed yet, rather cool but I planted some peas, lettuce, radishes, onion sets and sweet peas last Saturday. Wish the strawberries would hurry up here - they are in the market at 35cents for a cupful and not fresh either. We had 6 inches of snow last week in one night, no wonder it keeps cool, maybe more's coming. Our neighbor on the south side is making over his house and it's a terrible mess. Raised it up a foot, dug out full basement, and going to put in city water, sewer, bath, fireplace and etc. Stuck their garage up in front of us on south side and making it disagreeable in general. South school shift & merchant can do dirty tricks as well as other people, they have dug the ditch so close to the line that the yellow clay comes all over our things & I have plants and bushes all along the line, but on our owner's side. Did you get my card about uncle Barney B and did you see Orrin? Tell Harold hello, Myron said he had been invited out to Sunday dinner a few times lately. Hope there were some marriageable daughters - it's about time he began to look around. How are dried Looga berries out there? I found them today at 60cents per pound and 40cents for large can but do not think it a quart. Potatoes from 75cents to a 1.25 per pound, flour $4.85 per 100, eggs $.19- creamery butter $.43 meat seems to be higher than other things especially chickens from $.25 to $.28 per pound. Hoping you can find time for another nice, long better someday, I will close. Love to all. Ma Bal4
Ida Marian Balfour (born year)
Ida Marian Balfour (born year)
I was going to send you a picture of a ginsing plant but I can't seem to find one just now. Maybe you can find one in some seed or plant catalog. Saturday, 8:50PM The streets and sidewalks were white with snow again this morning but all melted. Looks like more tonight. Do you ever write to Ben Lein, Leonard Lambert, or any of your old schoolmates? Did I tell you the hair all came off the top of my head? Well I didn't believe it would grow again, but it did; nicer shade but coarser. Year of Birth Robert Lo. Balfour April 5, 1884 11:50pm Myron W. Feb 4, 1886 10:30am Ida M. Jan 31, 1888 5am Cyrus Lo, Jun 4 1890 7pm Joyce E, Jul 26, 1897 12pm Jeanne, Jan 10 1900 4pm Fredrick Wylie, Feb 6, 1857 Mrs. Fredrick Wylie, Aug 27 1859 11am
Ida Marian Balfour (born year)
Fergus Falls MN Apr 26, 1922 Dear Robert - yours of 4-9 received some time ago & was very glad to get such a nice, long letter; had one from Myron last week saying he was writing you too; guess he don't like to wriet so much. I heard a roundabout way, that Ida had left the Normal & Minot & gone home but I don't know why. Wether someone is sick or not nothing from her. You surly faired well on your B.Day. It must be great to dine out early to those places - is it the Science Church alone, or is it everyone? The girls went to church on E. but I did not get out and it looked like rain (rained all night before) and I do not feel much like going out anywhere. It must be great to have a nice car and go wherever or whenever you want. Hope you have seen uncle Barney Bull and can tell me how he is. You never said anything about the Minnesota picnic this year, didn't you go? Mrs. Chase, grass, Frank Evans, Underwood and many more were in California last winter. I wondered why you had taken up "life insurance" for I did not think there was much to be made by you but a lot of 'wind' spent. Suppose it is cleaner than the rabbit business: guess you have had your hands full. I rushed, some years ago, but not now must fast and rest (have been for two months) and try to get outside more - not able to do much but will try a little garden. I wondered if you were out of the company job, why the insurance, Cyrus is pretty proud of the Blue Lodge and seems to think it would help the girls to join. He is dieting too, and has been for nearly 4 months, but works right along. Garden not plowed yet, rather cool but I planted some peas, lettuce, radishes, onion sets and sweet peas last Saturday. Wish the strawberries would hurry up here - they are in the market at 35cents for a cupful and not fresh either. We had 6 inches of snow last week in one night, no wonder it keeps cool, maybe more's coming. Our neighbor on the south side is making over his house and it's a terrible mess. Raised it up a foot, dug out full basement, and going to put in city water, sewer, bath, fireplace and etc. Stuck their garage up in front of us on south side and making it disagreeable in general. South school shift & merchant can do dirty tricks as well as other people, they have dug the ditch so close to the line that the yellow clay comes all over our things & I have plants and bushes all along the line, but on our owner's side. Did you get my card about uncle Barney B and did you see Orrin? Tell Harold hello, Myron said he had been invited out to Sunday dinner a few times lately. Hope there were some marriageable daughters - it's about time he began to look around. How are dried Looga berries out there? I found them today at 60cents per pound and 40cents for large can but do not think it a quart. Potatoes from 75cents to a 1.25 per pound, flour $4.85 per 100, eggs $.19- creamery butter $.43 meat seems to be higher than other things especially chickens from $.25 to $.28 per pound. Hoping you can find time for another nice, long better someday, I will close. Love to all. Ma Bal4
Ida Marian Balfour (born year)
Ida Marian Balfour (born year)
Ida Marian Balfour (born year)
Evan Whyte Melville Balfour-Melville (born year)
Robert Watt Balfour (born year)
Robert Watt Balfour (born year)
Robert Watt Balfour (born year)
Robert Watt Balfour (born year)
Robert Watt Balfour (born year)
Robert Watt Balfour (born year)
Robert Watt Balfour (born year)
Robert Watt Balfour (born year)
Robert Watt Balfour (born year)
Robert Watt Balfour (born year)
Robert Watt Balfour (born year)