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View Record | Name | Birth Date | Arrival Date | Arrival Place | View Image |
George Elton Lyda | Brownsville, Texas, USA | ||||
Mattie Lyda | Brownsville, Texas, USA | ||||
Jesus Guereca Lyda | Laredo, Texas, USA | ||||
Guillermina Oliva De Lyda | Nogales, Arizona, USA | ||||
Carlos Lyda Hina | Brownsville, Texas, USA | ||||
Dolores Lada | Eagle Pass, Texas, USA | ||||
Guadalupe Saldana-leda | Eagle Pass, Texas, USA | ||||
Dolores Blanco de Lida | Del Rio (Ciudad Acuña), Texas, USA | ||||
Vicento Aguilar-Ledo | Del Rio (Ciudad Acuña), Texas, USA | ||||
Ricardo Leyda | Nogales, Arizona, USA | ||||
Concepcion Led??a | Brownsville, Texas, USA | ||||
Maria Teresa Castilleros Munoz Ledo | Nogales, Arizona, USA | ||||
James A Led?? | Brownsville, Texas, USA | ||||
Joe Lyday | Houston, Texas, USA | ||||
Joe Lyday | Brownsville, Texas, USA | ||||
Maria Luisa Yr??lida-polido | Laredo, Texas, USA | ||||
Delia Garcia Ledo | Laredo, Texas, USA | ||||
Delia Garcia Ledo | Laredo, Texas, USA | ||||
Guillermo Garcia De Ledo | Laredo, Texas, USA | ||||
Dolores Munoz Y Ledo | Laredo, Texas, USA |