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- Mr CIANIMr CIANI from tree Nelson-Burright-Frazer Family
Record information. Marriage Record information. Spouse Elsie E. MANLEY (1909- ) 1807 People0 Records0 Sources - Snow found inSnow from tree Kershner Family Tree 2.0
Record information. Birth Salt Lake, Utah, USA Death Record information. Father (1905- ) Record information. Mother (1904- ) 40371 People0 Records1 Source - Walter Mack Swain found inWalter Mack Swain from tree Dwyer
Record information. Birth Pulaski, Kentucky, USA Residence San Bernardino, California, USA Death Los Angeles, California, USA Record information. Father (Born 1880) Record information. Mother (Born 1883) 172625 People1 Record1 Source - William J Sweeney found inWilliam J Sweeney from tree Christie Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1900 Massachusetts, USA Residence Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA Death Record information. Spouse Thresa Donovan (Born 1899) 1730 People8 Records8 Sources - Mr. Nako Yamato found inMr. Nako Yamato from tree Roberts Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1895 Okinawa, Japan Residence Hawaii, Hawaii, USA Death Record information. Spouse Kamato Uecht (Born 1905) 347 People2 Records2 Sources - John Sweeney found inJohn Sweeney from tree Denise Family Tree
Record information. Birth San Francisco, California, USA Death Record information. Spouse Ida Coolidge (1856- ) 6929 People0 Records0 Sources - Walter Swain found inWalter Swain from tree Stokes Family
Record information. Marriage Clay, Texas, USA Record information. Spouse Minnie L. Wyont (Born 1871) 63271 People1 Record1 Source - John Snow found inJohn Snow from tree Snow Family Tree
Record information. Birth Pontotoc, Oklahoma, USA Record information. Spouse Mary Hill (1886- ) 32 People0 Records0 Sources - Malrie Sonier found inMalrie Sonier from tree holiday1
Record information. Birth Calcasieu, Louisiana, USA Residence Cook, Illinois, USA Death Cook, Illinois, USA Record information. Father (1845- ) Mother (1853- ) Spouse Leanna Easton 90573 People5 Records5 Sources - John Nagy found inJohn Nagy from tree Sonderling Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1871 Hungary Marriage Residence Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA Record information. Spouse Magadalena (Mary) Gregor (1879- ) 14114 People2 Records3 Sources - Andrew Swan found inAndrew Swan from tree DavisHallett
Record information. Birth 1861 Sweden Residence Pottawattamie, Iowa, USA Record information. Spouse Emma Swan (Born 1859) 6478 People0 Records1 Source - John Sweeney found inJohn Sweeney from tree Neil English Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1855 Ireland Marriage California, USA Residence San Francisco, California, USA Death San Francisco, California, USA Record information. Spouse Ida Coolidge (1856- ) 2953 People3 Records3 Sources - Mr. Ng-QuinnMr. Ng-Quinn from tree Slaton Family Tree
Record information. Death Record information. Spouse Mrs. Ng-Quinn (Died ) 27 People0 Records0 Sources - John Henry Swain found inJohn Henry Swain from tree Laurene2023No publicly available LifeStory events
Record information. Spouse Lizzie Johnson (1851- ) 52890 People0 Records0 Sources - David Swan found inDavid Swan from tree Harold Taylor Family TreeNo publicly available LifeStory events
Record information. Spouse Catherine Johnston (1843- ) 21951 People1 Record1 Source - Saunoa Amituana'i found inSaunoa Amituana'i from tree Vaioli Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1841 Samoa Marriage Samoa Death Samoa Record information. Spouse Tuamauga Malepeai (Born 1844) 118 People0 Records0 Sources - William Ridley Swan found inWilliam Ridley Swan from tree Douglas Fraser And Sons
Record information. Marriage Angus, Scotland Record information. Spouse Isabell Fraser (Born 1847) 187 People1 Record1 Source - George W. Swan found inGeorge W. Swan from tree Sweeney Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1835 New York, USA Residence Kendall, Illinois, USA Death Record information. Spouse Irene D. Berry (1848- ) 1355 People3 Records4 Sources - Mat Nowicki found inMat Nowicki from tree Kroepfl-Kodaski Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1823 Poland Marriage Wielkopolskie, Poland Record information. Spouse Anna Grzechowiak (Born 1824) 700 People0 Records0 Sources
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