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- Margaret Mertes found inMargaret Mertes from tree Flecker Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1906 Illinois, USA Residence Cook, Illinois, USA Death Cook, Illinois, USA Record information. Father (1878- ) Record information. Mother (1880- ) 9613 People5 Records5 Sources - marie louise henriette ESPERETmarie louise henriette ESPERET from tree DEBRAY BORNE
Record information. Birth Corrèze, France Marriage Dordogne, France Death Hérault, France Record information. Father (Born 1855) Mother (Born 1869) Spouse joseph jean victor GARCIN 7866 People0 Records0 Sources - marie louise ESPERETmarie louise ESPERET from tree DEBRAY BORNE
Record information. Birth Vienne, France Death Vienne, France Record information. Father (Born 1855) Record information. Mother (Born 1869) 7866 People0 Records1 Source - Marie EsperetMarie Esperet from tree All Our Families
Record information. Birth 1889 Marriage Cook, Illinois, USA Residence Cook, Illinois, USA Record information. Father (1852- ) Mother (1864- ) Spouse Peter Edgar McGann (1888- ) 17013 People1 Record1 Source - joseph marie jean baptiste ESPERET
Record information. Birth Lot, France Marriage Vienne, France Record information. Father (Born 1826) Mother (Born 1831) Spouse henriette clarisse aline marie LAUMONNIER (Born 1869) 7866 People0 Records1 Source - Marie ESPÉRETMarie ESPÉRET from tree Boesser_Marchi
Record information. Birth Lot, Midi-Pyrénées, France Marriage Lot, Midi-Pyrénées, France Death Lot, Midi-Pyrénées, France Record information. Father (1781- ) Mother (Born 1784) Spouse Louis NADAL (Born 1817) 19397 People0 Records1 Source - MARIE ESPERETMARIE ESPERET from tree JDORNELLENo publicly available LifeStory events
Record information. Spouse JEAN BICAN 7358 People0 Records0 Sources - Marie Esperet found inMarie Esperet from tree SSPNo publicly available LifeStory events
Record information. Spouse Jean COMBARIEU 316 People0 Records0 Sources - Marie Esperet found inMarie Esperet from tree Fog Family Tree
Record information. Birth Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain Record information. Spouse Jean Meja 81 People0 Records0 Sources - Nille Maria Desideriusdatter Esperet found inNo publicly available LifeStory events
Record information. Father (1778- ) Record information. Mother 7903 People0 Records0 Sources - David Osborne found inDavid Osborne from tree Andrews Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1956 Death Record information. Father (1919- ) Record information. Mother (1923- ) 9 People1 Record1 Source - M.R. Osborne found inM.R. Osborne from tree Kentucky - Osborne Families
Record information. Birth 1905 Morgan, Kentucky, USA Residence Morgan, Kentucky, USA Death Morgan, Kentucky, USA Record information. Father (1880- ) Record information. Mother (Born 1885) 2685 People1 Record1 Source - Alfred Orsbone found inAlfred Orsbone from tree Port Family Tree
Record information. Birth Record information. Spouse Kate Orsbone (1890- ) 285 People0 Records2 Sources - Rufugio D. Esperon found inRufugio D. Esperon from tree shannon bryant family tree
Record information. Birth 1883 Mexico Death California, USA Record information. Father Spouse Madrona 1199 People0 Records1 Source - George Frederick Folger Osborne found inGeorge Frederick Folger Osborne from tree Family Tree
Record information. Birth Frontenac, Ontario, Canada Marriage Surrey, England Residence Litchfield, Connecticut, USA Death Middlesex, Massachusetts, USA Record information. Spouse Louisa Molyneau Sarah Lockhart Gordon (Born 1876) 249786 People2 Records3 Sources - Robert D Osborne found inRobert D Osborne from tree Hackett 2015
Record information. Birth 1866 Pennsylvania, USA Marriage Columbia, Pennsylvania, USA Residence Lauderdale, Mississippi, USA Death Record information. Spouse Margaret Albertson (Born 1866) 14415 People0 Records10 Sources - Simeon Osborn found inSimeon Osborn from tree Vitense Family Tree
Record information. Marriage Chemung, New York, USA Death Adams, Wisconsin, USA Record information. Spouse Charlotte Benedict (1827- ) 3945 People0 Records0 Sources - James Madison Osborne found inJames Madison Osborne from tree Scott Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1846 North Carolina, USA Marriage Rockingham, North Carolina, USA Residence Richmond, North Carolina, USA Record information. Father (Died ) Mother (1816- ) Spouse Emily F. Pratt (1846- ) 3321 People2 Records2 Sources - ? Osborn Osburn Osborne Orsburn found in? Osborn Osburn Osborne Orsburn from tree Johnson file
Record information. Marriage Death Record information. Spouse Sarah Jeffrey (Born 1804) 71796 People0 Records0 Sources - John Osborn found inJohn Osborn from tree Love Family Tree
Record information. Birth USA Marriage Meigs, Ohio, USA Record information. Father Spouse Mary Love (Born 1804) 5876 People0 Records0 Sources
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