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- Evelyn Marie "Maice" Felkins
Record information. Birth 1931 Oklahoma, USA Marriage Maricopa, Arizona, USA Residence Cleveland, Oklahoma, USA Death Maricopa, Arizona, USA Record information. Father (1886- ) Record information. Mother (1901- ) 70358 People7 Records7 Sources - Eunice Sylvia Felkins found in
Record information. Birth 1912 Jasper, Missouri, USA Residence Jasper, Missouri, USA Death Jasper, Missouri, USA Record information. Father (1874- ) Record information. Mother (1887- ) 35753 People9 Records9 Sources - Harriett Elizabeth Volkening found in
Record information. Birth Macomb, Michigan, USA Residence Macomb, Michigan, USA Death Record information. Father (1883- ) Record information. Mother (Born 1899) 36900 People4 Records4 Sources - Rubertha Rebecca "Miss B" Little-White (nee Folconer, Little)
Record information. Birth Saint James, Jamaica Death Kingston, Jamaica Record information. Father (1897- ) Mother (1903- ) Spouse Leonard Edmund "Big White" White (1920- ) 368 People2 Records3 Sources - Lillian Aileen Faulkner found in
Record information. Birth 1916 Greene, North Carolina, USA Residence Greene, North Carolina, USA Death Pitt, North Carolina, USA Record information. Father (1888- ) Record information. Mother (1888- ) 165530 People10 Records10 Sources - Miss Elizabeth Falconer found inMiss Elizabeth Falconer from tree Catleugh Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1904 Scotland Record information. Father (1863- ) Record information. Mother (1865- ) 28 People0 Records1 Source - Emmy “Miss Mussy” FALCONER
Record information. Birth 1903 Saint Elizabeth, Jamaica Death Saint Elizabeth, Jamaica Record information. Father (1875- ) Record information. Mother (1882- ) 63353 People0 Records1 Source - Miss Pottie FalconerMiss Pottie Falconer from tree Catleugh Family Tree
Record information. Birth Toronto, Ontario, Canada Record information. Father (1863- ) Record information. Mother (1865- ) 28 People0 Records1 Source - Emmie (Emmy) (Ammy) Falconer found in
Record information. Birth Saint Elizabeth, Jamaica Marriage Saint Elizabeth, Jamaica Death Jamaica Record information. Father (1871- ) Mother (1867- ) Spouse William Joshua Ebanks (1880- ) 15149 People0 Records0 Sources - emma lee BunFaulkner found inemma lee BunFaulkner from tree houser Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1874 Georgia, USA Death Georgia, USA Record information. Spouse Thomas J Faulkner (1861- ) 2240 People0 Records2 Sources - Miss Florence N Falconer found inMiss Florence N Falconer from tree FALCON~6
Record information. Birth 1856 Ohio, USA Residence Pendleton, Kentucky, USA Death Fleming, Kentucky, USA Record information. Father (1822- ) Mother (1823- ) Spouse Charles Lewis Bradford (1860- ) 33995 People8 Records9 Sources - Sarah Faulkner found inSarah Faulkner from tree Walsh Family Tree
Record information. Marriage Massachusetts, USA Record information. Spouse Sarah Faulkner (1803- ) 652 People1 Record1 Source - Miss Faulkner found inMiss Faulkner from tree Truswell Family TreeNo publicly available LifeStory events
Record information. Father Mother (1779- ) Spouse John Spencer-Stanhope (1787- ) 3738 People0 Records0 Sources - _____ Foetuner or, Miss Faulkner_____ Foetuner or, Miss Faulkner from tree CHATFIELD's - from 1450 to Present thru Thomas and all the others
Record information. Birth 1809 Marriage Haute-Garonne, Midi-Pyrénées, France Record information. Spouse William Coate (1805- ) 55401 People0 Records0 Sources - Susan Falconer found inSusan Falconer from tree Fiford/Dubock Family Tree
Record information. Birth Angus, Scotland Marriage Angus, Scotland Death Angus, Scotland Record information. Spouse John Tivendale (1703- ) 706 People1 Record4 Sources - Miss Kulaea Paluvava'u Falekaono
Record information. Death Tatakamotonga, Tongatapu, Tonga Record information. Father (1830- ) Record information. Mother (Born 1806) 165 People0 Records0 Sources - Gail Mcguire Felkins found in
Record information. Death Record information. Father (1926- ) 33629 People0 Records0 Sources - Lucia Maria Felkins found in
Record information. Death Record information. Father (1926- ) 33629 People0 Records0 Sources - Ruby May ClarkRuby May Clark from tree Felkins Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1936 Death San Diego, California, USA Record information. Father Record information. Mother (1915- ) 11 People0 Records0 Sources - Tuesday Marie Felkins
Record information. Birth 1987 Butte, California, USA Death Silver Bow, Montana, USA Record information. Father (1963- ) 529 People3 Records3 Sources
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