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- Catharine E L N Wille
Record information. Birth 1901 USA Record information. Father (1885- ) Record information. Mother (Born 1889) 21 People0 Records1 Source - Anna L Wille found inAnna L Wille from tree Bolte - Yeager Family
Record information. Birth 1908 Bremer, Iowa, USA Residence Bremer, Iowa, USA Death Bremer, Iowa, USA Record information. Father (1875- ) Record information. Mother (1889- ) 6758 People11 Records12 Sources - Mary L Wille found inMary L Wille from tree Craft Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1899 New Jersey, USA Residence Burlington, New Jersey, USA Death Burlington, New Jersey, USA Record information. Father (Born 1873) Mother (1875- ) Spouse Daniel Mcdermott (1898- ) 716 People8 Records10 Sources - Bertha E Wille found inBertha E Wille from tree Kowalewski Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1877 Wisconsin, USA Marriage Residence Dodge, Wisconsin, USA Death Dodge, Wisconsin, USA Record information. Father (1830- ) Mother (1840- ) Spouse Charles Raabe (1864- ) 53929 People7 Records11 Sources - Francis (Frank) L. E. Will found inFrancis (Frank) L. E. Will from tree Iunghuhn/Sloniker
Record information. Birth McLean, Illinois, USA Marriage Cook, Illinois, USA Residence Marathon, Wisconsin, USA Death Record information. Spouse Ida D. A. Lieferte (1894- ) 1392 People8 Records8 Sources - Lois Elberta Wille found in
Record information. Birth 1922 Los Angeles, California, USA Marriage California, USA Residence Los Angeles, California, USA Death Oregon, USA Record information. Father (1889- ) Mother (1891- ) Spouse Frank Norman Haskins (1919- ) 23511 People6 Records10 Sources - Louis E WilleLouis E Wille from tree DEIRO
Record information. Birth 1923 California, USA Residence Los Angeles, California, USA Record information. Father (Born 1907) Record information. Mother (1903- ) 1444 People1 Record1 Source - Lawrence E Wille found inLawrence E Wille from tree laitar Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1922 Michigan, USA Marriage Wayne, Michigan, USA Residence Wayne, Michigan, USA Death Macomb, Michigan, USA Record information. Father (Born 1898) Mother (1902- ) Spouse Lenora Marz (Born 1923) 4128 People7 Records7 Sources - Louis Everett Wille found inLouis Everett Wille from tree Avery Family Tree
Record information. Birth Jefferson, Colorado, USA Residence Albany, Wyoming, USA Death Sweetwater, Wyoming, USA Record information. Father (1875- ) Mother (1878- ) Spouse Catherine Elizabeth Perrone 9774 People3 Records3 Sources - Elizabeth “Lizzie” Wille found in
Record information. Birth 1909 Iowa, USA Residence Bremer, Iowa, USA Death Bremer, Iowa, USA Record information. Father (1875- ) Record information. Mother (1889- ) 6758 People5 Records5 Sources - Lester E Willa found inLester E Willa from tree Lindemann
Record information. Birth Cape Girardeau, Missouri, USA Death Cape Girardeau, Missouri, USA Record information. Father (1871- ) Record information. Mother (1880- ) 24485 People1 Record2 Sources - Lydia E. A. Wille found inLydia E. A. Wille from tree Flanders Family Tree
Record information. Birth Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA Residence Dodge, Wisconsin, USA Death Waukesha, Wisconsin, USA Record information. Father (1865- ) Mother (1856- ) Spouse Percival Rogers "Percy" Wade (1898- ) 360743 People18 Records21 Sources - Robert E Lee Wille found in
Record information. Birth 1896 Texas, USA Marriage Bexar, Texas, USA Residence Bexar, Texas, USA Death Bexar, Texas, USA Record information. Father (1867- ) Mother (1868- ) Spouse Sarah Elizabeth "Sallie" Collins (1894- ) 3651 People15 Records26 Sources - Sophia E Wille found inSophia E Wille from tree GUTH/HENK FAMILY TREE
Record information. Birth Cook, Illinois, USA Marriage Greene, Illinois, USA Residence Kane, Illinois, USA Death Cook, Illinois, USA Record information. Father (1863- ) Mother (1869- ) Spouse Edward John Schultz (1896- ) 8291 People10 Records10 Sources - Lili S E Wille found inLili S E Wille from tree Gruenhagen Family Tree
Record information. Birth Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA Marriage Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA Residence Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA Death Pima, Arizona, USA Record information. Father (1862- ) Mother (1862- ) Spouse Edward William Helm (1885- ) 7842 People7 Records8 Sources - Lena Wille found inLena Wille from tree Schnitzler/Coulombe Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1878 Colorado, USA Marriage Residence Jefferson, Colorado, USA Record information. Spouse George H Willie (Born 1875) 8773 People2 Records3 Sources - Lena E Wille found inLena E Wille from tree Schnitzler/Coulombe Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1878 Colorado, USA Residence Yuma, Colorado, USA Death Albany, Wyoming, USA Record information. Father (1841- ) Record information. Mother (Born 1848) 8773 People2 Records3 Sources - Louise E Wille found inLouise E Wille from tree New-Reineck and More
Record information. Birth Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA Residence Death Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA Record information. Father (1820- ) Record information. Mother (1830- ) 16238 People9 Records9 Sources - A. L. WIlleA. L. WIlle from tree Albrecht Family Tree
Record information. Marriage Nordhausen, Thuringia, Germany Record information. Spouse Auguste Karoline Albrecht (Born 1826) 1379 People0 Records0 Sources - Louisa found inLouisa from tree Dixon's__2017-08-12
Record information. Birth Göttingen, Lower Saxony, Germany Residence Charleston, South Carolina, USA Death Charleston, South Carolina, USA Record information. Spouse Henry C. WILLIE (1812- ) 3638 People2 Records2 Sources
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