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- Henry LEES found inHenry LEES from tree Norrie Family Tree
Record information. Birth Death Record information. Father (Died ) Record information. Mother (Died ) 62382 People0 Records1 Source - James Henry LeesJames Henry Lees from tree Rostill Family Tree
Record information. Death Warwickshire, England Record information. Father Record information. Mother 18 People0 Records0 Sources - Bernard Henry LeesBernard Henry Lees from tree William Tyson Family Tree
Record information. Death No publicly available family members354 People0 Records0 Sources - Henry Thomas (Harry) Lees found inHenry Thomas (Harry) Lees from tree Jobling relatives
Record information. Birth 1948 Death New South Wales, Australia Record information. Father (1917- ) Record information. Mother (1923- ) 976 People1 Record2 Sources - Una Winifred Agnes Henry Lees found in
Record information. Birth 1947 Mayo, Ireland Death Berkshire, England Record information. Father (1892- ) Mother (Died ) Spouse Michael flynn (1947- ) 156 People0 Records0 Sources - Henry Michael Lees
Record information. Birth Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA Residence Whatcom, Washington, USA Death Record information. Father (1919- ) Record information. Mother (1910- ) 16342 People2 Records2 Sources - James henry LeesJames henry Lees from tree Lees Family Tree
Record information. Birth Worcestershire, England Death London, England No publicly available family members7 People0 Records0 Sources - William Henry Lees found in
Record information. Birth New South Wales, Australia Marriage Australia Residence New South Wales, Australia Death New South Wales, Australia Record information. Father (1908- ) Record information. Mother (1914- ) 9167 People5 Records7 Sources - John Henry LEESJohn Henry LEES from tree Knight-All-2024
Record information. Marriage Middlesex, England Record information. Spouse Elsie MUNCASTER 66447 People0 Records0 Sources - William H Lees found in
Record information. Marriage Warwickshire, England Record information. Spouse Ellen Chinn (Born 1899) 11217 People1 Record1 Source - James H. Lees found inJames H. Lees from tree Little Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1940 Rhode Island, USA Residence Providence, Rhode Island, USA Death Kent, Rhode Island, USA Record information. Father (1916- ) Record information. Mother (1915- ) 195 People6 Records6 Sources - Graeme (Henry) Lees found in
Record information. Birth Victoria, Australia Marriage Victoria, Australia Residence Queensland, Australia Death Queensland, Australia Record information. Father (1907- ) Record information. Mother (1909- ) 72210 People5 Records6 Sources - Henry James Lees found inHenry James Lees from tree Tabor Family Tree
Record information. Birth New York, USA Death New York, USA Record information. Father (1894- ) Record information. Mother (1901- ) 42428 People2 Records5 Sources - Thomas YoungThomas Young from tree Beardsell Family Tree
Record information. Birth Durham, England Marriage Durham, England Residence Durham, England Death Durham, England Record information. Father (1910- ) Record information. Mother (Born 1917) 969 People3 Records3 Sources - Charles Henry Lees found in
Record information. Birth Dublin, Ireland Residence Surrey, England Death Surrey, England Record information. Father (1902- ) Mother (1906- ) Spouse Alice Elizabeth Ryan (1939- ) 8196 People2 Records4 Sources - Graeme Henry Lees found inGraeme Henry Lees from tree KEM Forest
Record information. Birth Victoria, Australia Residence Victoria, Australia Death Queensland, Australia Record information. Father (1907- ) Record information. Mother (1907- ) 32095 People1 Record2 Sources - George H LeesGeorge H Lees from tree Kill Family Tree
Record information. Birth Middlesex, England Death Dorset, England Record information. Spouse Doreen Franklin (1935- ) 65 People0 Records0 Sources - Norman Henry LeesNorman Henry Lees from tree Lennard10
Record information. Birth Bucks, Pennsylvania, USA Marriage Northamptonshire, England Residence Warwickshire, England Death Cambridgeshire, England Record information. Father (Born 1903) Record information. Mother (Born 1904) 325 People2 Records2 Sources - William Henry Lees found inWilliam Henry Lees from tree Green aka Creber
Record information. Birth Staffordshire, England Marriage Staffordshire, England Death Warwickshire, England Record information. Father (1909- ) Record information. Mother (Born 1913) 36510 People4 Records5 Sources - henry ernest harold Lees
Record information. Birth Lancashire, England Residence Death Victoria, Australia No publicly available family members2 People0 Records0 Sources
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