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- George Jerry Genzer found in
Record information. Birth Guadalupe, Texas, USA Marriage Matagorda, Texas, USA Residence Matagorda, Texas, USA Death Jackson, Texas, USA Record information. Father (1925- ) Mother (Born 1932) 2388 People6 Records7 Sources - George GenzerGeorge Genzer from tree Eric Genzer Family Tree
Record information. Residence Oklahoma, Oklahoma, USA No publicly available family members3 People0 Records0 Sources - Gerald George Genzer found inGerald George Genzer from tree Genzer Family
Record information. Birth 1933 Oklahoma, USA Residence Oklahoma, Oklahoma, USA Death Kansas, USA Record information. Father (1905- ) Mother (1907- ) Spouse Twila J Genzer (1935- ) 1100 People14 Records14 Sources - George John Genzer found inGeorge John Genzer from tree Till Family Tree
Record information. Birth Colorado, Texas, USA Residence Fayette, Texas, USA Death Travis, Texas, USA Record information. Father (1899- ) Mother (1900- ) Spouse Margaret Gibson (1928- ) 151 People4 Records10 Sources - George Albert genzer found inGeorge Albert genzer from tree genzer Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1924 Texas, USA Marriage Matagorda, Texas, USA Residence Matagorda, Texas, USA Death Matagorda, Texas, USA Record information. Father (1899- ) Mother (1900- ) 839 People7 Records10 Sources - GEORGE JERRY GENZER found inGEORGE JERRY GENZER from tree Genzer Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1905 Oklahoma, USA Marriage Oklahoma, Oklahoma, USA Residence Oklahoma, Oklahoma, USA Death Oklahoma, Oklahoma, USA Record information. Father (1871- ) Mother (1873- ) Spouse MARGARET THERMA HALL (1907- ) 36197 People11 Records12 Sources - Stanislav (George Stanley) Genzer found in
Record information. Birth Fayette, Texas, USA Residence Fayette, Texas, USA Death Matagorda, Texas, USA Record information. Father (1861- ) Record information. Mother (1861- ) 2088 People3 Records4 Sources - Stanislav (George Stanley) Genzer found in
Record information. Birth Fayette, Texas, USA Marriage Fayette, Texas, USA Residence Colorado, Texas, USA Death Matagorda, Texas, USA Record information. Father (1861- ) Mother (1861- ) Spouse Cecilia Katheryn Slubar (1900- ) 2388 People14 Records22 Sources - George H. Genzer found inGeorge H. Genzer from tree Delano Family Tree
Record information. Birth Cheshire, New Hampshire, USA Marriage Residence Windham, Vermont, USA Death Essex, Massachusetts, USA Record information. Father (1822- ) Mother (1815- ) Spouse Fannie M. Graham (1862- ) 9061 People2 Records4 Sources - George Genzer found inGeorge Genzer from tree Maizie Reidel Family Tree
Record information. Marriage Shelby, Missouri, USA Record information. Spouse Anna Elizabeth Voelker (1828- ) 600 People1 Record1 Source - George GenzerGeorge Genzer from tree Gienger Family Tree
Record information. Marriage Shelby, Missouri, USA Record information. Spouse Johann Georg (George) Gienger (1822- ) 3145 People1 Record1 Source - George Genzier found inGeorge Genzier from tree JLOGAN2005
Record information. Birth Rockingham, New Hampshire, USA Marriage Rockingham, New Hampshire, USA Record information. Spouse Mary Melissa Allbee (Born 1846) 111039 People0 Records2 Sources - George Genzer found inGeorge Genzer from tree Kin of a Wayward Sailor
Record information. Birth 1795 Germany Marriage Germany Death Linn, Oregon, USA Record information. Spouse Elizabeth Voelker (1801- ) 51500 People2 Records2 Sources - Jiri Genzer found inJiri Genzer from tree Boslaugh Extended Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1789 Czech Republic Death Czech Republic Record information. Father (1757- ) Mother (Born 1756) Spouse Magdalena Ondruch 44598 People0 Records6 Sources - Jiri (George) GenzerJiri (George) Genzer from tree Filip II Family Tree
Record information. Marriage Austria Record information. Father Spouse Marianna Filip (Born 1735) 66781 People0 Records0 Sources - Warren George Ganzer found inWarren George Ganzer from tree Henderson & Sharpe
Record information. Birth Jackson, Missouri, USA Residence Jackson, Missouri, USA Death Record information. Father (1881- ) Record information. Mother (1884- ) 44837 People4 Records4 Sources - Hans-Joachim Georg GenzerHans-Joachim Georg Genzer from tree Stammbaum Genzer @ Cottbus sowie Gottfried @ Lentschütz / Henyk @ Sagan
Record information. Birth 1950 Cottbus, Brandenburg, Germany Death Cottbus, Brandenburg, Germany Record information. Father (1916- ) Record information. Mother (1920- ) 636 People0 Records0 Sources - Georg Friedrich GenzerGeorg Friedrich Genzer from tree Nussbaumer
Record information. Birth 1799 Marriage Emmendingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany Record information. Father (Born 1773) Mother (Born 1777) Spouse Anna Maria Gantert (Born 1803) 225298 People0 Records0 Sources - Georgie Edith Genzer found in
Record information. Birth Williamson, Texas, USA Marriage Matagorda, Texas, USA Residence Uvalde, Texas, USA Death Uvalde, Texas, USA Record information. Father (1898- ) Mother (1904- ) Spouse Felix J. Hahn (1915- ) 2388 People7 Records9 Sources - George Arnold Johnsrud found inGeorge Arnold Johnsrud from tree Johnsrud Family Tree
Record information. Birth Jefferson, Kentucky, USA Marriage Flathead, Montana, USA Residence Flathead, Montana, USA Death Flathead, Montana, USA Record information. Father (1916- ) Mother (1917- ) 104 People3 Records3 Sources
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