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- Barthélémy ou Jean(autre couple) ANDRI
Record information. Marriage Ariège, Midi-Pyrénées, France Record information. Spouse Isabeau MOUNIER 875 People0 Records0 Sources - Douglas Haig Anderson found inDouglas Haig Anderson from tree Joanne’s Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1916 Death California, USA Record information. Father (1885- ) Record information. Mother (1888- ) 10346 People0 Records1 Source - Marcus Sonny (Coleman Matthew Matthew) O'Donnell (O'Dhomhnaill) found in
Record information. Birth 1909 Galway, Ireland Residence Galway, Ireland Marriage Surrey, England Death Cook, Illinois, USA Record information. Father (1866- ) Mother (1876- ) Spouse Julia Nee (1914- ) 5612 People4 Records9 Sources - John Griffin found inJohn Griffin from tree Griffin Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1884 Galway, Ireland Marriage Residence Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USA Death Galway, Ireland Record information. Father (1837- ) Mother (1851- ) Spouse Bridget Flaherty (1886- ) 224 People13 Records18 Sources - Suana R. Anderson found inSuana R. Anderson from tree Latham Family Tree
Record information. Birth Floyd, Kentucky, USA Marriage Shelby, Indiana, USA Residence Garrard, Kentucky, USA Death Rush, Indiana, USA Record information. Father (1860- ) Mother (1863- ) Spouse Herman Levi Wiley (1903- ) 14837 People15 Records17 Sources - Audrey May Anderson found inAudrey May Anderson from tree bauman Family Tree
Record information. Birth Wood, West Virginia, USA Marriage Wood, West Virginia, USA Residence Wood, West Virginia, USA Death Wood, West Virginia, USA Record information. Father (1872- ) Mother (1878- ) Spouse Hugh Easton Way (1897- ) 73022 People13 Records13 Sources - Anderson Peacheater Sixkiller found in
Record information. Birth 1816 Cherokee, Georgia, USA Marriage Residence Kitzbuhel, Tirol, Austria Death Penobscot, Maine, USA Record information. Father (1776- ) Mother (1786- ) Spouse Ansequanah Sweetwater (Died ) 25944 People7 Records47 Sources - Cabell L (Sonnie) Anderson found in
Record information. Birth Virginia, USA Marriage Halifax, Virginia, USA Death Halifax, Virginia, USA Record information. Father (1909- ) Mother (1920- ) Spouse Mildred Jean Martin (1949- ) 2077 People2 Records3 Sources - Carl-Olof Sune Andersson Brining
Record information. Birth Gotland, Sweden Death Skåne, Sweden Record information. Father (1904- ) Mother (1906- ) Spouse Okänd 30515 People0 Records0 Sources - Carl Ove (Sonny) Andreasen found in
Record information. Birth New York, USA Residence New York, USA Death New York, USA Record information. Father (1892- ) Record information. Mother (1896- ) 1595 People5 Records7 Sources - Woodrow Swan Anderson found in
Record information. Birth Cook, Illinois, USA Residence Cuyahoga, Ohio, USA Death San Diego, California, USA Record information. Father (1881- ) Mother (Born 1886) Spouse Grace Catharine Jacobson (1914- ) 8880 People9 Records10 Sources - Signe Audrie Andreassen found inSigne Audrie Andreassen from tree Olson-Adamson
Record information. Birth 1906 Norway Marriage Norway Record information. Father (1868- ) Mother (1872- ) Spouse Konrad Henriksen (Born 1893) 1073 People0 Records0 Sources - Wahrscheinlich erster oder zweiter hinterbliebener Sohn des Andreas Ostende found in
Record information. Birth Mardin, Turkey Death Record information. Father (1782- ) Mother Spouse Witwe Oscinda, Schwiegertochter 137 People0 Records0 Sources - 3 weitere Söhne Andreas3 weitere Söhne Andreas from tree PfeifferNo publicly available LifeStory events
Record information. Father (1740- ) Record information. Mother (1749- ) 1050 People0 Records0 Sources - Patrick - DNA couple O Donnell found in
Record information. Birth Saratoga, New York, USA Death Record information. Father (1910- ) Mother (1909- ) Spouse Mary - DNA couple Conneely (1940- ) 54690 People0 Records0 Sources - Michael J - DNA couple O Donnell found in
Record information. Birth Cook, Illinois, USA Residence Cook, Illinois, USA Death Cook, Illinois, USA Record information. Father (Born 1899) Mother (1899- ) Spouse ------ DNA couple 54690 People4 Records4 Sources - Michael Kieran O'Malley found in
Record information. Birth Galway, Ireland Marriage Norfolk, Massachusetts, USA Residence Alameda, California, USA Death Alameda, California, USA Record information. Father (1888- ) Mother (1890- ) Spouse Mary Devane (1924- ) 83420 People12 Records15 Sources - Thomas - DNA couple Griffin found in
Record information. Birth Galway, Ireland Death Record information. Father (1885- ) Mother (1886- ) Spouse Bridget Delia- DNA couple Flaherty (Born 1920) 54690 People0 Records0 Sources - Erwin O Toole found inErwin O Toole from tree Breathnach Family Tree
Record information. Birth 1917 Galway, Ireland Marriage Galway, Ireland Death Galway, Ireland Record information. Father (1867- ) Mother (1881- ) Spouse Marcella Kelly (1924- ) 179 People0 Records0 Sources - Thomas Tom Thos - DNA couple O Donnell Dhomhnail found in
Record information. Birth Galway, Ireland Death Galway, Ireland Record information. Father (Born 1880) Mother (Born 1884) Spouse Bridget - DNA couple Flaherty (1918- ) 54690 People0 Records0 Sources
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