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View Record | Name | Birth Date | Birth Place | Residence Place | View Images |
Joseph John Stalen | Lithuania | xxxxxxxxx Illinois, USA | |||
Tay Stalian | xxxxxxxxxx Illinois, USA | xxxxxxx Illinois, USA | |||
Sarafin Stalnan | xxxxxxxx Lithuania | xxxxxxxxx Illinois, USA | |||
Andrew Kornelius Stolen | xxxxxxx Norway | xxxxxxx Washington, USA | |||
John M Stolen | xxxxxxx Norway | xxxxxxx Washington, USA | |||
Olaf Stolen | xxxxxxxxxx Norway | xxxxxxxxxx Alaska, USA | |||
Alvin Theorin Stolen | xxxxx xxxxxx Wisconsin, USA | xxx xxxxxxx Wisconsin, USA | |||
Andrew Stolen | Norway | xxxxxxxxxx Wisconsin, USA | |||
Christien Stolen | xxxxxxxxx Norway | xxxx xxxxx Wisconsin, USA | |||
Jacob Edwin Stolen | xxxxx xxxxx Wisconsin, USA | xxxxxxxx Wisconsin, USA | |||
Olaus Tore Stolen | xxxxxxxxxx Norway | xxxxxxx xxxxxx Wisconsin, USA | |||
Mike Larson Stolen | Norway | xxxxxxxxxx Wisconsin, USA | |||
Olof Eddie Stolen | xxxxxxxxxx Michigan, USA | ||||
Shelly Grant Stallan | xxxxxxx Texas, USA | ||||
Nels Magnus Stolan | xxx xxxxxxxxxx California, USA | ||||
Henry Stolan | xxx xxxxxxxx California, USA | ||||
Louis Setlen | xxxxxxxxxx Maryland, USA | xxxxxxxxxx Maryland, USA | |||
Ingebrigt Stolen | Norway | xxxxxx South Dakota, USA | |||
Fredrick Ernest Stallan | xxxxxxxxxx India | xxxxxx New York, USA | |||
Andrew H Stolen | xxxxxx Norway | xxxxxxxxx Montana, USA |