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Record information. Name Camarillo MrResidence xxxxxxx xxxxxx London, EnglandRecord information. Name William CamarelliMother Father Sibling Birth Residence xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx London, EnglandRecord information. Name Isaac CamarelliMother Father Sibling Birth Residence xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx London, EnglandRecord information. Name Ferdinand CamarelliSpouse Rachael CamarelliChildren Birth abt 1845 GermanyResidence xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx London, EnglandRecord information. Name Rose CamarelliMother Father Sibling Birth Residence xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx London, EnglandRecord information. Name Annie CamarelliMother Father Sibling Birth Residence xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx London, EnglandRecord information. Name Rachael CamarelliSpouse Ferdinand CamarelliChildren Birth Residence xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx London, EnglandRecord information. Name Henry CamarelliMother Father Sibling Birth Residence xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx London, EnglandRecord information. Name Rachael CamarelliMother Father Sibling Birth Residence xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx London, EnglandRecord information. Name Walter CamarileBirth Residence xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Lincolnshire, EnglandRecord information. Name Charles CamarlleSpouse Mary CamarlleChildren Birth xxx xxxx xxxxxx FranceResidence xxxx xx xxxxxxx xx xxxxxxx Jersey, Channel IslandsRecord information. Name Mary CamarlleSpouse Charles CamarlleFather Children Birth xxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx FranceResidence xxxx xx xxxxxxx xx xxxxxxx Jersey, Channel IslandsRecord information. Name Aurelie CamarlleMother xxxx CamarlleFather xxxxxxx CamarlleSibling Birth xxx xxxx xx xxxxxx Jersey, Channel IslandsResidence xxxx xx xxxxxxx xx xxxxxxx Jersey, Channel IslandsRecord information. Name Rose CamarlleMother xxxx CamarlleFather xxxxxxx CamarlleSibling Birth xxx xxxx xx xxxxxx Jersey, Channel IslandsResidence xxxx xx xxxxxxx xx xxxxxxx Jersey, Channel Islands
- ResidenceLondon, England
- MotherFatherSiblingBirthResidenceLondon, England1881 England Census1880s
- MotherFatherSiblingBirthResidenceLondon, England1881 England Census1880s
- SpouseRachael CamarelliChildrenBirthabt 1845GermanyResidenceLondon, England1881 England Census1880s
- MotherFatherSiblingBirthResidenceLondon, England1881 England Census1880s
- MotherFatherSiblingBirthResidenceLondon, England1881 England Census1880s
- SpouseFerdinand CamarelliChildrenBirthResidenceLondon, England1881 England Census1880s
- MotherFatherSiblingBirthResidenceLondon, England1881 England Census1880s
- MotherFatherSiblingBirthResidenceLondon, England1881 England Census1880s
- BirthResidenceLincolnshire, England1901 England Census1900s (Decade)
- SpouseMary CamarlleChildrenBirthFranceResidenceJersey, Channel Islands
- SpouseCharles CamarlleFatherChildrenBirthFranceResidenceJersey, Channel Islands
- MotherCamarlleFatherCamarlleSiblingBirthJersey, Channel IslandsResidenceJersey, Channel Islands
- MotherCamarlleFatherCamarlleSiblingBirthJersey, Channel IslandsResidenceJersey, Channel Islands