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Record information. Name John LygaRecord information. Name Henry Carrodus[Henry Lega]Residence Record information. Name Geoe LogaResidence Record information. Name Josephine LogoResidence Pennsylvania, USARecord information. Name Josephine LogoResidence Pennsylvania, USARecord information. Name Andw LogeRecord information. Name George Oliver LagoMilitary EnglandResidence Record information. Name Leendert LageRecord information. Name Mary LagoResidence Michigan, USARecord information. Name Emma B LogoResidence Pennsylvania, USARecord information. Name John LageMilitary Record information. Name Daniel LoggBirth Record information. Name Joseph LakaBirth x xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxxx Allegheny, Pennsylvania, USAResidence x xxxx xxxx xxxxxxx Westmoreland, Pennsylvania, USARecord information. Name Alexander LoggBirth Military WalesResidence Record information. Name Angus LogawBirth Record information. Name Stephen LaggBirth Record information. Name Lavinia LoggBirth Residence Record information. Name E. Lag-DenResidence Record information. Name Thos Mc LageBirth Record information. Name Matilda Broken LegResidence South Dakota, USA
- ResidencePennsylvania, USA
- ResidencePennsylvania, USA
- MilitaryEnglandResidence
- ResidenceMichigan, USA
- ResidencePennsylvania, USA
- BirthAllegheny, Pennsylvania, USAResidenceWestmoreland, Pennsylvania, USA
- BirthMilitaryWalesResidence
- BirthResidence
- Residence
- ResidenceSouth Dakota, USA