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Record information. Name Willm FaggartRecord information. Name Jno FaggartRecord information. Name John FaggartRecord information. Name Mary FaggartResidence Record information. Name William FaggartResidence Record information. Name A S FaggartResidence xxxx LamarRecord information. Name George Henry FaggartBirth Residence Record information. Name Harold L FaggartBirth Residence Record information. Name Harold Littleton FaggartBirth Residence Record information. Name Samuel FaggartRecord information. Name John FaggartRelative xxx xxxx FaggartRecord information. Name James FaggartBirth Residence Record information. Name William FaggartBirth Military Record information. Name Jno FaggartDeath xx xxxx 1846Residence Record information. Name Ann FaggartResidence Record information. Name Henry FaggartDeath x xxxx 1850Residence Record information. Name Daniel FaggartRecord information. Name Daniel FaggartRecord information. Name Danl FaggartBirth Military Record information. Name Mary FaggartMarriage Residence
- ResidenceLamar
- RelativeFaggart
- BirthResidence
- Death1846Residence
- Residence
- Death1850Residence
- MarriageResidence