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Record information. Name Ruth A Delong[Rutha Delong]Residence Missouri, USARecord information. Name Anna DelongRecord information. Name Emma R DelongResidence Pennsylvania, USARecord information. Name Catharine DelongResidence Ohio, USARecord information. Name Emma DelongResidence Illinois and AlabamaRecord information. Name Laura DelongRecord information. Name Maggie DelongRecord information. Name Annie DelongResidence Pennsylvania, USARecord information. Name Anna E DelongResidence Michigan, USARecord information. Name Sophia D DelongResidence Kansas, USARecord information. Name Alice S DelongResidence New York, USARecord information. Name Abraham C DelongResidence Missouri, USARecord information. Name Jasper M DelongResidence Kansas, USARecord information. Name Jefferson DelongResidence Missouri, USARecord information. Name Ann DelongResidence Nebraska, USARecord information. Name David DelongSpouse Jane DelongDeath Marriage Military Date Discharged Record information. Name Francis DelongSpouse Sally DelongDeath Widow's Death Date xx xxxx 1873Widow's Death Place Marriage Military Date Discharged Record information. Name Henry DelongSpouse Sarah DelongDeath Marriage Military Date Discharged Record information. Name Isaac Delong SeniorMilitary Date Discharged Record information. Name James L Delong[James L De Long]Spouse ElizabethDeath Marriage Military Date Discharged
- ResidencePennsylvania, USA
- ResidenceOhio, USA
- ResidenceIllinois and Alabama
- ResidencePennsylvania, USA
- ResidenceMichigan, USA
- ResidenceKansas, USA
- ResidenceNew York, USA
- ResidenceMissouri, USA
- ResidenceKansas, USA
- ResidenceMissouri, USA
- ResidenceNebraska, USA
- SpouseJane DelongDeathMarriageMilitaryDate Discharged
- SpouseSally DelongDeathWidow's Death Date1873Widow's Death PlaceMarriageMilitaryDate Discharged
- SpouseSarah DelongDeathMarriageMilitaryDate Discharged
- MilitaryDate Discharged