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Record information. Name Ezra BeebyMilitary New York, USARecord information. Name Henry E BeebyMilitary xxxxxxxxx USA- Annual report of the Adjutant-General of the State of New York, 1894-1905HistoriesShowing 1 of 2 matches found on this image.
Record information. View Image Title - Military minutes of the Council of Appointment of the State of New York, 1783-1821HistoriesShowing 1 of 1 matches found on this image.
Record information. View Image Chapter Page number - Pennsylvania in the War of the Revolution: battalions and line, 1775-1783HistoriesShowing 1 of 2 matches found on this image.
Record information. View Image Chapter Page number - History of the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps: a complete record of the organization, and of the different companies, regiments and brigadesHistoriesShowing 1 of 2 matches found on this image.
- Pennsylvania in the War of the Revolution: battalions and line, 1775-1783HistoriesShowing 1 of 2 matches found on this image.
Record information. View Image Chapter Page number Record information. Name Msgr J W A BeebeeOther xx xxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxxx New York, United StatesRecord information. Name Anifor BayboOther xxx xxxx xxxxx New York, United StatesRecord information. Name Mrs Caroline BibaResidence xxxx xxx xxxxxxx Cook, Illinois, USARecord information. Name Honorable James BabyCivil Residence Record information. Name Jean B BabyCivil Residence Record information. Name Francois BabyCivil Residence Record information. Name Francis BabyCivil Residence Record information. Name James BabyCivil Residence Record information. Name J B BabyCivil Residence Record information. Name Francois BabyCivil Residence Record information. Name James BabyCivil Residence Record information. Name Jean B BabyCivil Residence Record information. Name Joann K BabaBirth Residence xxxxxxxx Washington, USA
- MilitaryNew York, USANew York Military in the RevolutionHistories
- MilitaryUSA
- OtherNew York, United States
- OtherNew York, United States
- ResidenceCook, Illinois, USA
- CivilResidence
- CivilResidence
- CivilResidence
- CivilResidence
- CivilResidence
- CivilResidence
- CivilResidence
- CivilResidence
- CivilResidence
- BirthResidenceWashington, USA