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Record information. Name Arthur V DelongBirth Military Residence xxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxxx OswegoRecord information. Name Arthur V DelongBirth Military Residence xxxxxxx OswegoRecord information. Name William Willis DelongMilitary Residence xxxxxxx xxxxx BroomeRecord information. Name Homer Craig DelongMilitary Residence xxxxxxxxxxxx TompkinsRecord information. Name Harry Travillian DelongRecord information. Name Harry Travillian DelongRecord information. Name Harry T DelongRecord information. Name Harry Travillian DelongRecord information. Name Herry Travillian DelongRecord information. Name Abram James DelongRelative xxxxxxx xxxxx DelongBirth Residence xxxx xxxxxxxxxx Alaska, USARecord information. Name Robert DelongRelative Birth Residence xxxx xxxxxxxxxx Alaska, USARecord information. Name Marguerite DelongRecord information. Name Hermanelson DelongRecord information. Name Herman Nelson DelongRecord information. Name Hermanelson DelongRecord information. Name Herman Nelson DelongRecord information. Name Orville DelongRelative Birth Residence xxxxxxxxx Grant County, Indiana, USARecord information. Name Herman DelongRecord information. Name Howard B DelongResidence USARecord information. Name Herman Nelson Delong
- BirthMilitaryResidenceOswegoNew York, U.S., World War I Veterans' Service Data, 1913-1919Draft, Enlistment and Service
- BirthMilitaryResidenceOswegoNew York, U.S., World War I Veterans' Service Data, 1913-1919Draft, Enlistment and Service
- MilitaryResidenceBroomeNew York, U.S., World War I Veterans' Service Data, 1913-1919Draft, Enlistment and Service
- MilitaryResidenceTompkinsNew York, U.S., World War I Veterans' Service Data, 1913-1919Draft, Enlistment and Service
- U.S., World War II Navy Muster Rolls, 1938-1949Draft, Enlistment and Service
- U.S., World War II Navy Muster Rolls, 1938-1949Draft, Enlistment and Service
- U.S., World War II Navy Muster Rolls, 1938-1949Draft, Enlistment and Service
- U.S., World War II Navy Muster Rolls, 1938-1949Draft, Enlistment and Service
- U.S., World War II Navy Muster Rolls, 1938-1949Draft, Enlistment and Service
- RelativeDelongBirthResidenceAlaska, USAU.S., World War II Draft Cards Young Men, 1940-1947Draft, Enlistment and Service
- RelativeBirthResidenceAlaska, USAU.S., World War II Draft Cards Young Men, 1940-1947Draft, Enlistment and Service
- U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918Draft, Enlistment and Service
- U.S., World War II Navy Muster Rolls, 1938-1949Draft, Enlistment and Service
- U.S., World War II Navy Muster Rolls, 1938-1949Draft, Enlistment and Service
- U.S., World War II Navy Muster Rolls, 1938-1949Draft, Enlistment and Service
- U.S., World War II Navy Muster Rolls, 1938-1949Draft, Enlistment and Service
- RelativeBirthResidenceGrant County, Indiana, USAU.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918Draft, Enlistment and Service
- U.S., World War II Navy Muster Rolls, 1938-1949Draft, Enlistment and Service
- ResidenceUSAU.S., Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958Draft, Enlistment and Service
- U.S., World War II Navy Muster Rolls, 1938-1949Draft, Enlistment and Service