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Record information. Name A. NeildMilitary Record information. Name James C NeildBirth Death xx xxxx 1976Record information. Name Frederick Ernest NeildBirth Death Military Theatre of War Record information. Name Robert NeildDeath x xxxx 1943Record information. Name Thomas NeildDeath xx xxx 1917Record information. Name Frank I NeildDeath Military MassachusettsRecord information. Name Fred NeildResidence Illinois, USARecord information. Name P. NeildMilitary Record information. Name W. NeildMilitary Record information. Name Luke NeildBirth Death xx xxx 1869Residence xxxxxx xxxxx Sanpete, Utah, United StatesRecord information. Name L. NeildRecord information. Name Ralph E NeildBirth Death xx xxxx 1992Record information. Name David J NeildBirth Death x xxxx 1976Record information. Name Roy NeildDeath xx xxx 1917Record information. Name W. NeildRecord information. Name Harry B NeildBirth Death xx xxxx 1990Record information. Name Alexander NeildBirth Death Military Theatre of War Record information. Name Charles NeildBirth Death Military Theatre of War Record information. Name Jonathan NeildBirth Death Military Theatre of War Record information. Name Thomas NeildBirth Death Military Theatre of War
- Military
- BirthDeath1976
- BirthDeathMilitaryTheatre of War
- Death1943
- Death1917
- DeathMilitaryMassachusetts
- ResidenceIllinois, USAU.S., Navy Casualties Books, 1776-1941Casualties
- Military
- Military
- BirthDeath1869ResidenceSanpete, Utah, United States
- BirthDeath1992
- BirthDeath1976
- Death1917
- BirthDeath1990
- BirthDeathMilitaryTheatre of War
- BirthDeathMilitaryTheatre of War
- BirthDeathMilitaryTheatre of War
- BirthDeathMilitaryTheatre of War