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Record information. Name Joe E MunginBirth Death xx xxxx 1993Record information. Name Charles B MunginBirth Death x xxxx 1979Record information. Name Arthur Lee MunginBirth Death xx xxxx 2005Record information. Name John Henry MunginBirth Death x xxxx 1995Record information. Name Preslie MunginBirth Death x xxxx 1978Record information. Name Samuel MunginBirth Death x xxxx 1973Record information. Name Hilton MunginBirth Death x xxxx 2006Record information. Name Henry L MunginBirth Death xx xxxx 1972Record information. Name Joseph MunginBirth Death xx xxxx 2001Record information. Name James Vernell MunginBirth Death x xxxx 1969Record information. Name Nuel MunginBirth Death x xxxx 2007Record information. Name Roger MunginBirth Death xx xxxx 2009Record information. Name Lawrence David III Mungin IIIBirth Death x xxxx 1966Military Origin xxxxxxxxxxxxx FloridaOther Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam)Record information. Name Terrance Roland MunginBirth Death xx xxxx 2003Record information. Name Ray C MunginBirth Death x xxxx 2007Record information. Name Herbert MunginRecord information. Name Albert MunginBirth Death xx xxxx 2006Record information. Name Lawrence D MunginBirth Death Vietnam, Republic ofResidence District of ColumbiaEvent Record information. Name Elijah D MunginBirth Death xx xxxx 1983Record information. Name Albert MunginBirth Death x xxxx 2004
- BirthDeath1993
- BirthDeath1979
- BirthDeath2005
- BirthDeath1995
- BirthDeath1978
- BirthDeath1973
- BirthDeath2006
- BirthDeath1972
- BirthDeath2001
- BirthDeath1969
- BirthDeath2007
- BirthDeath2009
- BirthDeath1966MilitaryOriginFloridaOtherRepublic of Vietnam (South Vietnam)
- BirthDeath2003
- BirthDeath2007
- BirthDeath2006
- BirthDeathVietnam, Republic ofResidenceDistrict of ColumbiaEvent
- BirthDeath1983
- BirthDeath2004