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Record information. Name David HuweBirth Departure Arrival x xxxx xxxx Sydney, New South WalesRecord information. Name Mr W Clark HuweDeparture Arrival xx xxxx xxxx SydneyRecord information. Name Mr E R HuweDeparture Arrival x xxxx xxxx Sydney, New South WalesRecord information. Name Harry D HuweOther Departure xx xxxx xxxx EnglandArrival New York, USARecord information. Name Eugene HuweOther Departure xx xxxx xxxx EnglandArrival New York, USARecord information. Name Bertha HuweOther Birth Departure xx xxxx xxxx EnglandArrival Boston, USARecord information. Name John HuweOther Birth Departure xx xxxx xxxx EnglandArrival Boston, USARecord information. Name Rud HuweBirth abt 1854Departure Jan. 1894 Victoria, AustraliaRecord information. Name J HannahDeparture Arrival xx xxxx xxxx AlbanyRecord information. Name Edward HannahCivil Departure Residence Record information. Name William James HannahBirth Departure Arrival xx xxxx xxxx Sydney, New South WalesRecord information. Name HannahDeparture Arrival xx xxxx xxxx FremantleRecord information. Name J HannahDeparture Arrival x xxxx xxxx AlbanyRecord information. Name Mr Alex HannahDeparture Arrival xx xxxx xxxx HobartRecord information. Name Miss Helen HannahBirth xxx xxxx AustraliaDeparture Arrival xx xxx xxxx Sydney, AustraliaRecord information. Name V R HannahDeparture Arrival xx xxxx xxxx AlbanyRecord information. Name Thomas HannahBirth Departure Arrival xx xxxx xxxx BrisbaneRecord information. Name Mr HannahDeparture Arrival xx xxx xxxx HobartRecord information. Name Mr P A HannahDeparture Arrival x xxxx xxxx FremantleRecord information. Name Mrs P A HannahDeparture Arrival x xxxx xxxx Fremantle
- BirthDepartureArrivalSydney, New South Wales
- DepartureArrivalSydney
- DepartureArrivalSydney, New South Wales
- OtherDepartureEnglandArrivalNew York, USAUK and Ireland, Outward Passenger Lists, 1890-1960Passenger Lists
- OtherDepartureEnglandArrivalNew York, USAUK and Ireland, Outward Passenger Lists, 1890-1960Passenger Lists
- OtherBirthDepartureEnglandArrivalBoston, USAUK and Ireland, Outward Passenger Lists, 1890-1960Passenger Lists
- OtherBirthDepartureEnglandArrivalBoston, USAUK and Ireland, Outward Passenger Lists, 1890-1960Passenger Lists
- Birthabt 1854DepartureJan. 1894Victoria, AustraliaWeb: Victoria, Australia, Outward Passenger Index, 1852-1915Passenger Lists
- DepartureArrivalAlbany
- CivilDepartureResidence
- BirthDepartureArrivalSydney, New South Wales
- DepartureArrivalFremantle
- DepartureArrivalAlbany
- DepartureArrivalHobartTasmania, Australia, Passenger Arrivals, 1829-1957Passenger Lists
- BirthAustraliaDepartureArrivalSydney, Australia
- DepartureArrivalAlbany
- BirthDepartureArrivalBrisbaneQueensland, Australia, Passenger Lists, 1848-1912Passenger Lists
- DepartureArrivalHobartTasmania, Australia, Passenger Arrivals, 1829-1957Passenger Lists
- DepartureArrivalFremantle
- DepartureArrivalFremantle