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Record information. Name James WillerCivil Record information. Name O A WillerBirth Residence Record information. Name C Berg WillerCivil Record information. Name Berthold WillerBirth Departure Arrival xx xxxx xxxx Portland and Astoria, Oregon, USARecord information. Name Wilhelm WillerBirth Military Departure Arrival England und New York, New YorkResidence Record information. Name Mr V WillerDeparture Destination Record information. Name Mr WillerDeparture Destination Record information. Name Miss WillerDeparture Destination Record information. Name Joe G WillerDeparture Arrival xx xxxx xxxx Toledo, OhioRecord information. Name Homer Frederick WillerBirth Departure Arrival xx xxxx xxxx Portland and Astoria, Oregon, USARecord information. Name Mr P WillerDeparture Destination Record information. Name Mr H WillerDeparture Destination Record information. Name Miss WillerDeparture Destination Record information. Name Mrs WillerDeparture Destination Record information. Name Olof WillerDeparture Koningsbergen, RuslandArrival Drammen, NoorwegenResidence 22 jun. 1741 Drammen, NoorwegenRecord information. Name Miss WillerDeparture Destination Record information. Name Arch WillerBirth Departure Arrival xx xxxx xxxx Portland and Astoria, Oregon, USARecord information. Name Marcus WillerDeparture Ijsland, IjslandArrival Kopenhagen (Copenhagen), DenemarkenResidence 17 sep. 1763 Kopenhagen (Copenhagen), DenemarkenRecord information. Name W WillerBirth Residence Record information. Name Mr J WillerDeparture Destination
- BirthResidenceLiverpool, England, Crew Lists 1861-1919Crew Lists
- BirthDepartureArrivalPortland and Astoria, Oregon, USA
- BirthMilitaryDepartureArrivalEngland und New York, New YorkResidence
- DepartureDestination
- DepartureDestination
- DepartureDestination
- DepartureArrivalToledo, Ohio
- BirthDepartureArrivalPortland and Astoria, Oregon, USA
- DepartureDestination
- DepartureDestination
- DepartureDestination
- DepartureDestination
- DepartureKoningsbergen, RuslandArrivalDrammen, NoorwegenResidence22 jun. 1741Drammen, Noorwegen
- DepartureDestination
- BirthDepartureArrivalPortland and Astoria, Oregon, USA
- DepartureIjsland, IjslandArrivalKopenhagen (Copenhagen), DenemarkenResidence17 sep. 1763Kopenhagen (Copenhagen), Denemarken
- BirthResidenceLiverpool, England, Crew Lists 1861-1919Crew Lists
- DepartureDestination