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Record information. Name Merle TeskeDeparture Arrival xx xxxx xxxx Minnesota, Two HarborsRecord information. Name Angus TeskeBirth Departure Arrival xx xxxx xxxx Sandusky, OhioRecord information. Name H TeskeArrival xxxx Boston, Massachusetts, USARecord information. Name H TeskeArrival xxxx Boston, Massachusetts, USARecord information. Name Edward TeskeDeparture xxxxx xxxx xxxxxx OntarioArrival USARecord information. Name H TeskeDeparture xxxx xxxxxxxxxxx FloridaArrival USARecord information. Name Herman H TeskeDeparture xxxxxxx CubaArrival USARecord information. Name Herman TeskeArrival Texas, USARecord information. Name H TeskeArrival Texas, USARecord information. Name Richard M TeskeBirth Departure Arrival x xxxx xxxx Portland and Astoria, Oregon, USARecord information. Name Dale TeskeArrival Texas, USARecord information. Name Dale TeskeArrival Texas, USARecord information. Name Edward P TeskeArrival Texas, USARecord information. Name Richard M TeskeArrival Texas, USARecord information. Name Richard M TeskeArrival Texas, USARecord information. Name Ludwig TeskeBirth Military Departure Arrival New York, New YorkResidence Record information. Name Mr TeskeDeparture Destination Record information. Name Johann TeskBirth Military Departure Arrival New York, New YorkResidence Record information. Name Carl TieskeBirth Departure Arrival x xxxx xxxx Sharpness, EnglandOther Discharge Date Discharge Place Record information. Name John TaskeArrival xxxx Boston, Massachusetts, USA
- DepartureArrivalMinnesota, Two HarborsMinnesota, U.S., Crew Lists, 1929-1956Crew Lists
- BirthDepartureArrivalSandusky, Ohio
- ArrivalBoston, Massachusetts, USA
- ArrivalBoston, Massachusetts, USA
- DepartureOntarioArrivalUSA
- DepartureFloridaArrivalUSA
- DepartureCubaArrivalUSA
- ArrivalTexas, USA
- ArrivalTexas, USA
- BirthDepartureArrivalPortland and Astoria, Oregon, USA
- ArrivalTexas, USA
- ArrivalTexas, USA
- ArrivalTexas, USA
- ArrivalTexas, USA
- ArrivalTexas, USA
- BirthMilitaryDepartureArrivalNew York, New YorkResidence
- DepartureDestination
- BirthMilitaryDepartureArrivalNew York, New YorkResidence
- BirthDepartureArrivalSharpness, EnglandOtherDischarge DateDischarge Place
- ArrivalBoston, Massachusetts, USA