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Record information. Name Madame LoupDeparture Destination Record information. Name Master Geo LoupDeparture Destination Record information. Name John LoupArrival Texas, USARecord information. Name John LoupArrival Texas, USARecord information. Name John LoupArrival Texas, USARecord information. Name Fritz LoebeBirth Departure Arrival xx xxxx xxxx Portland and Astoria, Oregon, USARecord information. Name Fritz LoebeBirth Departure Arrival xx xxxx xxxx Portland and Astoria, Oregon, USARecord information. Name Georg LeloupBirth Military Departure Arrival Newcastle,westk AmericasResidence Record information. Name E F LoebDeparture Destination Record information. Name Joh Conrd LeloupBirth Residence Record information. Name David LoebDeparture Bergen, NoorwegenArrival Oostzee, OostzeeResidence 22 mei 1743 (22 May 1743) Greenock, Verenigd KoninkrijkRecord information. Name Arthur L LoubBirth Arrival xxxx Boston, Massachusetts, USARecord information. Name Louis LeloupBirth Departure Arrival xx xxxx xxxx Portland and Astoria, Oregon, USARecord information. Name Huey P LoupeBirth Departure Arrival xx xxxx xxxx Portland and Astoria, Oregon, USARecord information. Name Raymond LeloupArrival Texas, USARecord information. Name D A LoebArrival Texas, USARecord information. Name D A LoebArrival Texas, USARecord information. Name Michel LeloupBirth Residence Record information. Name Francis LoebArrival Texas, USARecord information. Name Mr C T LoebDeparture Destination
- DepartureDestination
- DepartureDestination
- ArrivalTexas, USA
- ArrivalTexas, USA
- ArrivalTexas, USA
- BirthDepartureArrivalPortland and Astoria, Oregon, USA
- BirthDepartureArrivalPortland and Astoria, Oregon, USA
- BirthMilitaryDepartureArrivalNewcastle,westk AmericasResidence
- DepartureDestination
- BirthResidence
- DepartureBergen, NoorwegenArrivalOostzee, OostzeeResidence22 mei 1743 (22 May 1743)Greenock, Verenigd Koninkrijk
- BirthArrivalBoston, Massachusetts, USA
- BirthDepartureArrivalPortland and Astoria, Oregon, USA
- BirthDepartureArrivalPortland and Astoria, Oregon, USA
- ArrivalTexas, USA
- ArrivalTexas, USA
- ArrivalTexas, USA
- BirthResidenceLiverpool, England, Crew Lists 1861-1919Crew Lists
- ArrivalTexas, USA
- DepartureDestination