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Record information. Name Nicholas CarlstonBirth Departure Arrival x xxxx xxxx London, EnglandOther Discharge Date Discharge Place Record information. Name Olof Edward CarlstonBirth Residence Record information. Name Robert CarlstonResidence Record information. Name Gust CarlstonBirth Arrival xxxx Boston, Massachusetts, USARecord information. Name Robt CarlstonBirth Arrival xxxx Boston, Massachusetts, USARecord information. Name Charles CarlstonBirth Departure Arrival xx xxxx xxxx Liverpool, EnglandOther Discharge Date Discharge Place Last Discharge Place Record information. Name Ludvig CarlstonArrival Texas, USARecord information. Name Johan CarlstonArrival Texas, USARecord information. Name Chas A CarlstonBirth Departure Arrival xx xxxx xxxx Portland and Astoria, Oregon, USARecord information. Name Manuel CarlstonArrival Texas, USARecord information. Name J A CarlstonBirth Departure Arrival xx xxxx xxxx Portland and Astoria, Oregon, USARecord information. Name John CarlstonBirth abt 1859 GottenburgRecord information. Name A CarlstonBirth Residence Record information. Name William CarlstonBirth Record information. Name Oscar CarlstonBirth Departure Arrival xx xxxx xxxx Portland and Astoria, Oregon, USARecord information. Name Alex. KarlstonCivil Record information. Name Andrew CarlstenBirth Arrival xxxx Boston, Massachusetts, USARecord information. Name R.C. KarlstenBirth Residence xx xxxx xxxx Victoria, AustraliaRecord information. Name Thomas CarlstenArrival Texas, USARecord information. Name Thomas KarlstenArrival Texas, USA
- BirthDepartureArrivalLondon, EnglandOtherDischarge DateDischarge Place
- BirthResidenceLiverpool, England, Crew Lists 1861-1919Crew Lists
- ResidenceLiverpool, England, Crew Lists 1861-1919Crew Lists
- BirthArrivalBoston, Massachusetts, USA
- BirthArrivalBoston, Massachusetts, USA
- BirthDepartureArrivalLiverpool, EnglandOtherDischarge DateDischarge PlaceLast Discharge Place
- ArrivalTexas, USA
- ArrivalTexas, USA
- BirthDepartureArrivalPortland and Astoria, Oregon, USA
- ArrivalTexas, USA
- BirthDepartureArrivalPortland and Astoria, Oregon, USA
- Birthabt 1859Gottenburg
- BirthResidenceLiverpool, England, Crew Lists 1861-1919Crew Lists
- BirthDepartureArrivalPortland and Astoria, Oregon, USA
- BirthArrivalBoston, Massachusetts, USA
- BirthResidenceVictoria, Australia
- ArrivalTexas, USA
- ArrivalTexas, USA