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Record information. Name Robert BaskettBirth Residence Record information. Name Cyril BaskettBirth Residence Record information. Name Ed BaskettBirth Residence xxxx Victoria, AustraliaRecord information. Name William Ed. BaskettBirth 1874 LondonRecord information. Name William BaskettBirth 1873 LondonRecord information. Name John S BaskettBirth Departure Arrival xx xxxx xxxx Portland and Astoria, Oregon, USARecord information. Name John S BaskettBirth Departure Arrival xx xxxx xxxx Portland and Astoria, Oregon, USARecord information. Name Gordon C BaskettArrival Texas, USARecord information. Name Gordon C BaskettArrival Texas, USARecord information. Name Gordon C BaskettArrival Texas, USARecord information. Name John S BaskettArrival Texas, USARecord information. Name John S BaskettArrival Texas, USARecord information. Name John BaskettBirth xxxx xxxxxxxxxx TyneCivil Record information. Name John BaskettBirth xxxx xxxxxxxxxx NorthumberlandCivil Record information. Name Miss BaskettDeparture Destination Record information. Name John BaskettBirth xxxx xxxxxxxxxx NorthumberlandCivil Record information. Name Mr BasketDeparture Destination Record information. Name Mrs BasketDeparture Destination Record information. Name Manuel BasketBirth Arrival xxxx Boston, Massachusetts, USARecord information. Name Lawson H BasketteBirth Departure Arrival x xxxx xxxx Portland and Astoria, Oregon, USA
- BirthResidenceLiverpool, England, Crew Lists 1861-1919Crew Lists
- BirthResidenceLiverpool, England, Crew Lists 1861-1919Crew Lists
- BirthResidenceVictoria, Australia
- Birth1874London
- Birth1873London
- BirthDepartureArrivalPortland and Astoria, Oregon, USA
- BirthDepartureArrivalPortland and Astoria, Oregon, USA
- ArrivalTexas, USA
- ArrivalTexas, USA
- ArrivalTexas, USA
- ArrivalTexas, USA
- ArrivalTexas, USA
- BirthTyneCivil
- BirthNorthumberlandCivil
- DepartureDestination
- BirthNorthumberlandCivil
- DepartureDestination
- DepartureDestination
- BirthArrivalBoston, Massachusetts, USA
- BirthDepartureArrivalPortland and Astoria, Oregon, USA