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Record information. Name J WeechOther Birth Departure Arrival MelbourneRecord information. Name Mr WeechOther Birth Departure Arrival AdelaideRecord information. Name Mr WeechOther Birth Departure Arrival MelbourneRecord information. Name Emily WeechSpouse Henry LinesMother Father xxxxxx WeechBirth Death Marriage Departure Arrival x xxxx xxxx Salt Lake City.Residence Record information. Name Mr R. WeechOther Birth Departure Arrival MarseilleRecord information. Name John WeechCivil EnglandDeparture Record information. Name John WeechCivil xxxx xxxx Somerset, EnglandRecord information. Name Karen Margrethe WeechBirth Record information. Name WeechOther Birth Departure Arrival MelbourneRecord information. Name Elizabeth Gould WeechBirth Death xx xxxx 1863Departure Arrival xx xxxx xxxx Deseret, United StatesRecord information. Name Emily WeechBirth Death x xxx 1932Departure Arrival xx xxxx xxxx Deseret, United StatesRecord information. Name Frances Mary WeechBirth Death xx xxxx 1916Departure Arrival xx xxxx xxxx Deseret, United StatesRecord information. Name Hyrum WeechBirth Death xx xxxx 1931Departure Arrival xx xxxx xxxx Deseret, United StatesRecord information. Name Joseph Samuel WeechBirth Death xx xxxx 1893Departure Arrival xx xxxx xxxx Deseret, United StatesRecord information. Name Lorenzo Gould WeechBirth Death 1940Departure Arrival xx xxxx xxxx Deseret, United StatesRecord information. Name Elizabeth Gould WeechBirth Death x xxxx 1894Departure Arrival xx xxxx xxxx Deseret, United StatesRecord information. Name Mr WeechOther Birth Departure Arrival Melbourne- Bonded Passengers to America (9 vols. In 3)Immigration & Emigration BooksShowing 2 of 2 matches found on this image.
Record information. View Image Chapter Page number Title - Bonded Passengers to America (Volumes I and II) 1615-1775 & 1617-1775Immigration & Emigration BooksShowing 2 of 5 matches found on this image.
Record information. View Image Chapter Page number Title
- OtherBirthDepartureArrivalMelbourneAustralia, Coastal Passenger Records, 1852-1924Immigration & Emigration Books
- OtherBirthDepartureArrivalAdelaideAustralia, Coastal Passenger Records, 1852-1924Immigration & Emigration Books
- OtherBirthDepartureArrivalMelbourneAustralia, Coastal Passenger Records, 1852-1924Immigration & Emigration Books
- SpouseHenry LinesMotherFatherWeechBirthDeathMarriageDepartureArrivalSalt Lake City.ResidencePioneer Immigrants to Utah TerritoryImmigration & Emigration Books
- OtherBirthDepartureArrivalMarseilleAustralia, Coastal Passenger Records, 1852-1924Immigration & Emigration Books
- CivilEnglandDepartureEmigrants in Bondage, 1614-1775Immigration & Emigration Books
- CivilSomerset, EnglandEmigrants in Bondage, 1614-1775Immigration & Emigration Books
- CivilMiddlesex, EnglandDepartureEmigrants in Bondage, 1614-1775Immigration & Emigration Books
- Northern District, Illinois, U.S., Naturalization Index, 1926-1979Immigration & Emigration Books
- OtherBirthDepartureArrivalMelbourneAustralia, Coastal Passenger Records, 1852-1924Immigration & Emigration Books
- BirthDeath1863DepartureArrivalDeseret, United StatesUtah, U.S., Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel Records, 1847-1868Immigration & Emigration Books
- BirthDeath1932DepartureArrivalDeseret, United StatesUtah, U.S., Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel Records, 1847-1868Immigration & Emigration Books
- BirthDeath1916DepartureArrivalDeseret, United StatesUtah, U.S., Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel Records, 1847-1868Immigration & Emigration Books
- BirthDeath1931DepartureArrivalDeseret, United StatesUtah, U.S., Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel Records, 1847-1868Immigration & Emigration Books
- BirthDeath1893DepartureArrivalDeseret, United StatesUtah, U.S., Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel Records, 1847-1868Immigration & Emigration Books
- BirthDeath1940DepartureArrivalDeseret, United StatesUtah, U.S., Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel Records, 1847-1868Immigration & Emigration Books
- BirthDeath1894DepartureArrivalDeseret, United StatesUtah, U.S., Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel Records, 1847-1868Immigration & Emigration Books
- OtherBirthDepartureArrivalMelbourneAustralia, Coastal Passenger Records, 1852-1924Immigration & Emigration Books
- Bonded Passengers to America (9 vols. In 3)Immigration & Emigration Books
- Bonded Passengers to America (Volumes I and II) 1615-1775 & 1617-1775Immigration & Emigration Books