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Record information. Name J. RebeckOther Birth Departure Arrival Melbourne- Nova Scotia Immigrants to 1867, Vol. IIImmigration & Emigration BooksShowing 1 of 1 matches found on this image.
Record information. View Image Chapter Page number Title Record information. Name Augusta Johannesdotter RåbockBirth xx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxxx VärmlandDeparture xx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxxx VärmlandArrival Oslo, Norge (Norway)Record information. Name Knut RabackBirth Departure Record information. Name Leander Johansson RybeckBirth xx xxxx xxxx JönköpingDeparture xx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxxx JönköpingArrival NordamerikaRecord information. Name Josefa RybakDeparture xx xxxx xxxx StockholmArrival Polen (Poland)Record information. Name Adolf Vilhelm RybeckBirth x xxxx xxxx xx xxxx xxxxx JönköpingDeparture xx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxxx JönköpingArrival NordamerikaRecord information. Name Carl Råbock JanssonBirth x xxxx xxxx ÖrebroDeparture x xxx xxxx xx xxx xxxxx ÖrebroArrival NordamerikaRecord information. Name Knut RåbackBirth Departure Record information. Name Gustaf RåbackBirth x xxxx xxxx VärmlandDeparture xx xxxx xxxx VärmlandArrival Oslo, Norge (Norway)Record information. Name Magdalena RåbackBirth xx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxxx VärmlandDeparture VärmlandArrival Norge (Norway)Record information. Name Gabriel RibakDeparture Record information. Name Selma Mathilda RåbockBirth xx xxxx xxxx JämtlandDeparture xx xxxx xxxx JämtlandArrival Förenta StaternaRecord information. Name Jonas RåbockBirth xx xxxx xxxx JämtlandDeparture xx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxxx JämtlandArrival Eureka CA., USARecord information. Name Mrs RahbekOther Birth Departure Arrival LondonRecord information. Name Miss RahbekOther Birth Departure Arrival LondonRecord information. Name Mr W RybakOther Birth Departure Arrival MarseilleRecord information. Name Mr RabuckOther Birth Departure Arrival Melbourne- New York City, New York, U.S., Immigrants (Austria, Galicia, Poland), 1890Immigration & Emigration Books
Record information. Name Barb. RibicArrival xx xxxx xxxx New York City, New York, USA - New York City, New York, U.S., Immigrants (Austria, Galicia, Poland), 1890Immigration & Emigration Books
Record information. Name Dora RibakArrival x xxxx xxxx New York City, New York, USA
- OtherBirthDepartureArrivalMelbourneAustralia, Coastal Passenger Records, 1852-1924Immigration & Emigration Books
- Nova Scotia Immigrants to 1867, Vol. IIImmigration & Emigration Books
- BirthVärmlandDepartureVärmlandArrivalOslo, Norge (Norway)Sweden, Emigrants Registered in Church Books, 1783-1991Immigration & Emigration Books
- BirthDepartureNorway, Emigration Records, 1867-1960Immigration & Emigration Books
- BirthJönköpingDepartureJönköpingArrivalNordamerikaSweden, Emigrants Registered in Church Books, 1783-1991Immigration & Emigration Books
- DepartureStockholmArrivalPolen (Poland)Sweden, Emigrants Registered in Church Books, 1783-1991Immigration & Emigration Books
- BirthJönköpingDepartureJönköpingArrivalNordamerikaSweden, Emigrants Registered in Church Books, 1783-1991Immigration & Emigration Books
- BirthÖrebroDepartureÖrebroArrivalNordamerikaSweden, Emigrants Registered in Church Books, 1783-1991Immigration & Emigration Books
- BirthDepartureNorway, Emigration Records, 1867-1960Immigration & Emigration Books
- BirthVärmlandDepartureVärmlandArrivalOslo, Norge (Norway)Sweden, Emigrants Registered in Church Books, 1783-1991Immigration & Emigration Books
- BirthVärmlandDepartureVärmlandArrivalNorge (Norway)Sweden, Emigrants Registered in Church Books, 1783-1991Immigration & Emigration Books
- DepartureNorway, Emigration Records, 1867-1960Immigration & Emigration Books
- BirthJämtlandDepartureJämtlandArrivalFörenta StaternaSweden, Emigrants Registered in Church Books, 1783-1991Immigration & Emigration Books
- BirthJämtlandDepartureJämtlandArrivalEureka CA., USASweden, Emigrants Registered in Church Books, 1783-1991Immigration & Emigration Books
- OtherBirthDepartureArrivalLondonAustralia, Coastal Passenger Records, 1852-1924Immigration & Emigration Books
- OtherBirthDepartureArrivalLondonAustralia, Coastal Passenger Records, 1852-1924Immigration & Emigration Books
- OtherBirthDepartureArrivalMarseilleAustralia, Coastal Passenger Records, 1852-1924Immigration & Emigration Books
- OtherBirthDepartureArrivalMelbourneAustralia, Coastal Passenger Records, 1852-1924Immigration & Emigration Books
- ArrivalNew York City, New York, USANew York City, New York, U.S., Immigrants (Austria, Galicia, Poland), 1890Immigration & Emigration Books
- ArrivalNew York City, New York, USANew York City, New York, U.S., Immigrants (Austria, Galicia, Poland), 1890Immigration & Emigration Books