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- Munich, Vienna and Barcelona Jewish Displaced Persons and Refugee Cards, 1943-1959 (JDC)Immigration & Emigration Books
Record information. Name Chaskel MencheName Salomea Menche;Rachela MencheBirth Civil Departure Destination - Munich, Vienna and Barcelona Jewish Displaced Persons and Refugee Cards, 1943-1959 (JDC)Immigration & Emigration Books
Record information. Name Rachela MencheName Chaskel Menche;Salomea MencheCivil Departure Destination - Munich, Vienna and Barcelona Jewish Displaced Persons and Refugee Cards, 1943-1959 (JDC)Immigration & Emigration Books
Record information. Name Salomea MencheName Chaskel Menche;Rachela MencheBirth Civil Departure Destination Record information. Name H. MenchOther Birth Departure Arrival MelbourneRecord information. Name Chaskel MencheOther Departure Record information. Name Saloma MencheOther Departure Record information. Name Bertha MencheBirth xxxx xxxxxxxxx Zürich, Schweiz (Switzerland)Departure Arrival KapstadtResidence xxxxxxxxxx Aargau, Schweiz (Switzerland)Record information. Name Hans MencheBirth xxxx xxxxxxxxx Zürich, Schweiz (Switzerland)Departure Arrival KapstadtResidence xxxxxxxxxx Aargau, Schweiz (Switzerland)Record information. Name Miss J MenchOther Birth Departure Arrival MelbourneRecord information. Name John MenchBirth Record information. Name Margaret MenchBirth Record information. Name Chaskel MencheRecord information. Name MenchOther Birth Departure Arrival MelbourneRecord information. Name Yolinda Mensch-freyBirth xxxx xxxxxx Basel-Stadt (Basel-City), Schweiz (Switzerland)Departure Arrival B'airesResidence xxxxxx Basel-Stadt (Basel-City), Schweiz (Switzerland)Record information. Name Anna Christina Elisabeth Doroth Mensch, Geb. BeckerBirth Record information. Name Catharine MintchBirth Arrival Destination Record information. Name Friedrich MünchBirth xxxx xxxx St. Gallen, Schweiz (Switzerland)Departure Arrival New YorkResidence xx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxx St. Gallen, Schweiz (Switzerland)Record information. Name Elizabeth MinchOther New York, USARecord information. Name Louisa MinchOther New York, USARecord information. Name Joseph MuenchBirth Civil Destination
- NameSalomea Menche;Rachela MencheBirthCivilDepartureDestinationMunich, Vienna and Barcelona Jewish Displaced Persons and Refugee Cards, 1943-1959 (JDC)Immigration & Emigration Books
- NameChaskel Menche;Salomea MencheCivilDepartureDestinationMunich, Vienna and Barcelona Jewish Displaced Persons and Refugee Cards, 1943-1959 (JDC)Immigration & Emigration Books
- NameChaskel Menche;Rachela MencheBirthCivilDepartureDestinationMunich, Vienna and Barcelona Jewish Displaced Persons and Refugee Cards, 1943-1959 (JDC)Immigration & Emigration Books
- OtherBirthDepartureArrivalMelbourneAustralia, Coastal Passenger Records, 1852-1924Immigration & Emigration Books
- OtherDepartureU.S., Jewish Transmigration Bureau Deposit Cards, 1939-1954 (JDC)Immigration & Emigration Books
- OtherDepartureU.S., Jewish Transmigration Bureau Deposit Cards, 1939-1954 (JDC)Immigration & Emigration Books
- BirthZürich, Schweiz (Switzerland)DepartureArrivalKapstadtResidenceAargau, Schweiz (Switzerland)Swiss Overseas Emigration, 1910-1953Immigration & Emigration Books
- BirthZürich, Schweiz (Switzerland)DepartureArrivalKapstadtResidenceAargau, Schweiz (Switzerland)Swiss Overseas Emigration, 1910-1953Immigration & Emigration Books
- OtherBirthDepartureArrivalMelbourneAustralia, Coastal Passenger Records, 1852-1924Immigration & Emigration Books
- BirthNorthern District, Illinois, U.S., Naturalization Index, 1926-1979Immigration & Emigration Books
- BirthNorthern District, Illinois, U.S., Naturalization Index, 1926-1979Immigration & Emigration Books
- U.S., Jewish Transmigration Bureau Deposit Cards, 1939-1954 (JDC)Immigration & Emigration Books
- OtherBirthDepartureArrivalMelbourneAustralia, Coastal Passenger Records, 1852-1924Immigration & Emigration Books
- BirthBasel-Stadt (Basel-City), Schweiz (Switzerland)DepartureArrivalB'airesResidenceBasel-Stadt (Basel-City), Schweiz (Switzerland)Swiss Overseas Emigration, 1910-1953Immigration & Emigration Books
- Brandenburg, Prussia Emigration RecordsImmigration & Emigration Books
- BirthArrivalDestinationU.S., Irish Passenger IndexNo Category
- BirthSt. Gallen, Schweiz (Switzerland)DepartureArrivalNew YorkResidenceSt. Gallen, Schweiz (Switzerland)Swiss Overseas Emigration, 1910-1953Immigration & Emigration Books
- OtherNew York, USANew York, U.S., Emigrant Savings Bank Records, 1850-1883Immigration & Emigration Books
- OtherNew York, USANew York, U.S., Emigrant Savings Bank Records, 1850-1883Immigration & Emigration Books
- BirthCivilDestinationWürttemberg, Germany Emigration IndexImmigration & Emigration Books