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- San Francisco, California, U.S., Immigration Office Minutes, 1899-1910Immigration & Emigration Books
Record information. Name Takematsu HiroseArrival Record information. Name Miss HeroseOther Departure Arrival MelbourneRecord information. Name Gertrud HeroséBirth xxxx xxxxxx Basel-Stadt (Basel-City), Schweiz (Switzerland)Departure Arrival New YorkResidence xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx Deutschland (Germany)Record information. Name Fred W HarsseOther Birth Departure Arrival MelbourneRecord information. Name Agnes Matilda Karlsdotter HerosBirth xx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxxx ÖstergötlandDeparture xx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxxx ÖstergötlandArrival NordamerikaRecord information. Name Johan Oscar Karlsson HerosBirth xx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxxx ÖstergötlandDeparture x xxxx xxxx ÖstergötlandArrival NordamerikaRecord information. Name Karl Albert Heros KarlssonBirth x xxxx xxxx ÖstergötlandDeparture xx xxx xxxx xxx xxx xxxxx ÖstergötlandArrival NordamerikaRecord information. Name Hjalmar Fredrik HerosBirth xx xxxx xxxx ÖstergötlandDeparture x xxxx xxxx xx xxxx xxxxx ÖstergötlandArrival NordamerikaRecord information. Name HorseOther Birth Departure Arrival MelbourneRecord information. Name Carl Emil Carlsson HerosBirth xx xxxx xxxx ÖstergötlandDeparture xx xxxx xxxx ÖstergötlandArrival NordamerikaRecord information. Name Lieslotte HerroséBirth Departure xx xxxx xxxx xxx xxxx xxxxx StockholmArrival Tyskland (Germany)Record information. Name Karol HerseResidence CanadaRecord information. Name Christian Friedrich HerseBirth Record information. Name Friedericke Herse, Geb. BrauerBirth Record information. Name Friedericke Brauer, Verh. HerseBirth Record information. Name Wilhelmine Justine Friedericke HerseBirth Record information. Name Mr HariseOther Birth Departure Arrival FremantleRecord information. Name Joseph HerseArrival Record information. Name Joseph HerseArrival Record information. Name Joseph HerseArrival
- ArrivalSan Francisco, California, U.S., Immigration Office Minutes, 1899-1910Immigration & Emigration Books
- OtherDepartureArrivalMelbourneAustralia, Coastal Passenger Records, 1852-1924Immigration & Emigration Books
- BirthBasel-Stadt (Basel-City), Schweiz (Switzerland)DepartureArrivalNew YorkResidenceDeutschland (Germany)Swiss Overseas Emigration, 1910-1953Immigration & Emigration Books
- OtherBirthDepartureArrivalMelbourneAustralia, Coastal Passenger Records, 1852-1924Immigration & Emigration Books
- BirthÖstergötlandDepartureÖstergötlandArrivalNordamerikaSweden, Emigrants Registered in Church Books, 1783-1991Immigration & Emigration Books
- BirthÖstergötlandDepartureÖstergötlandArrivalNordamerikaSweden, Emigrants Registered in Church Books, 1783-1991Immigration & Emigration Books
- BirthÖstergötlandDepartureÖstergötlandArrivalNordamerikaSweden, Emigrants Registered in Church Books, 1783-1991Immigration & Emigration Books
- BirthÖstergötlandDepartureÖstergötlandArrivalNordamerikaSweden, Emigrants Registered in Church Books, 1783-1991Immigration & Emigration Books
- OtherBirthDepartureArrivalMelbourneAustralia, Coastal Passenger Records, 1852-1924Immigration & Emigration Books
- BirthÖstergötlandDepartureÖstergötlandArrivalNordamerikaSweden, Emigrants Registered in Church Books, 1783-1991Immigration & Emigration Books
- BirthDepartureStockholmArrivalTyskland (Germany)Sweden, Emigrants Registered in Church Books, 1783-1991Immigration & Emigration Books
- ResidenceCanadaCanada, Immigrants Approved in Orders in Council, 1929-1960Immigration & Emigration Books
- Brandenburg, Prussia Emigration RecordsImmigration & Emigration Books
- Brandenburg, Prussia Emigration RecordsImmigration & Emigration Books
- Brandenburg, Prussia Emigration RecordsImmigration & Emigration Books
- Brandenburg, Prussia Emigration RecordsImmigration & Emigration Books
- OtherBirthDepartureArrivalFremantleAustralia, Coastal Passenger Records, 1852-1924Immigration & Emigration Books
- ArrivalCanadian Immigrant Records, Part OneImmigration & Emigration Books
- ArrivalCanadian Immigrant Records, Part OneImmigration & Emigration Books
- ArrivalCanadian Immigrant Records, Part OneImmigration & Emigration Books