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Record information. Name Martha Elizabeth AllemanSpouse Edward Lucian WhitingMother xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx AllemanFather xxxx AllemanBirth Death x xxxx 1936Marriage Departure Arrival x xxxx xxxx Salt Lake ValleyResidence Record information. Name Daniel Joseph AllemanSpouse Amanda Elizabeth StarrMother Father xxxx AllemanBirth Death xx xxxx 1898Marriage Departure Arrival x xxxx xxxx Salt Lake ValleyResidence Record information. Name Christiana Mary AllemanSpouse William SumsionMother xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx AllemanFather xxxx AllemanBirth Death xx xxxx 1888Marriage Departure Arrival x xxxx xxxx Salt Lake ValleyResidence Record information. Name John Henry AllemanSpouse Zebina StarrMother xxxxxxxxx xxxxxx AllemanFather xxxx AllemanBirth Death x xxxx 1904Marriage Departure Arrival x xxxx xxxx Salt Lake ValleyResidence Record information. Name Susanna AllemanSpouse Benjamin Thomas BlanchardMother Father xxxx AllemanBirth Death xx xxxx 1911Marriage Departure Arrival x xxxx xxxx Salt Lake ValleyResidence Record information. Name K. AllemanResidence 1869 Ouddorp, Zuid-Holland, NederlandRecord information. Name Benjamin Jordan AllemanSpouse Sariah Jane StarrMother Father xxxx AllemanBirth Death xx xxxx 1903Marriage Departure Arrival x xxxx xxxx Great Salt Lake ValleyResidence Record information. Name Sarah Jane AllemanSpouse Alma SpaffordMother Father xxxx AllemanBirth Death xx xxxx 1920Marriage Departure Arrival x xxxx xxxx Salt Lake ValleyResidence Record information. Name John AllemanSpouse Christean Stentz AllemanMother Father xxxx xxxxxxxxxxx AllemanBirth Death Marriage Departure Arrival x xxxx xxxx Great Salt Lake Valley. Camped where Liberty Park is now.Residence Record information. Name Christean Stentz AllemanSpouse John AllemanMother Father Birth Death Marriage Departure Arrival x xxxx xxxx Great Salt Lake Valley. Camned where Liberty Park is now.Residence Record information. Name Mr L. AllemanOther Birth Departure Arrival MelbourneRecord information. Name Mr M. AllemanOther Birth Departure Arrival MelbourneRecord information. Name Mr D. AllemanOther Birth Departure Arrival MelbourneRecord information. Name Benjamin Jordan AllemanBirth Death xx xxxx 1903Departure Arrival xx xxxx xxxx Deseret, United StatesRecord information. Name Johannes AllemanBirth Death xx xxxx 1883Departure Arrival xx xxxx xxxx Deseret, United StatesRecord information. Name John Henry AllemanBirth Death x xxxx 1904Departure Arrival xx xxxx xxxx Deseret, United StatesRecord information. Name Daniel Joseph AllemanBirth Death xx xxxx 1898Departure Arrival xx xxxx xxxx Deseret, United StatesRecord information. Name Martha Elizabeth AllemanBirth Death x xxxx 1936Departure Arrival xx xxxx xxxx Deseret, United StatesRecord information. Name Christeann Mary AllemanBirth Death xx xxxx 1888Departure Arrival xx xxxx xxxx Deseret, United StatesRecord information. Name Sarah Jane AllemanBirth Death xx xxxx 1920Departure Arrival xx xxxx xxxx Deseret, United States
- SpouseEdward Lucian WhitingMotherAllemanFatherAllemanBirthDeath1936MarriageDepartureArrivalSalt Lake ValleyResidencePioneer Immigrants to Utah TerritoryImmigration & Emigration Books
- SpouseAmanda Elizabeth StarrMotherFatherAllemanBirthDeath1898MarriageDepartureArrivalSalt Lake ValleyResidencePioneer Immigrants to Utah TerritoryImmigration & Emigration Books
- SpouseWilliam SumsionMotherAllemanFatherAllemanBirthDeath1888MarriageDepartureArrivalSalt Lake ValleyResidencePioneer Immigrants to Utah TerritoryImmigration & Emigration Books
- SpouseZebina StarrMotherAllemanFatherAllemanBirthDeath1904MarriageDepartureArrivalSalt Lake ValleyResidencePioneer Immigrants to Utah TerritoryImmigration & Emigration Books
- SpouseBenjamin Thomas BlanchardMotherFatherAllemanBirthDeath1911MarriageDepartureArrivalSalt Lake ValleyResidencePioneer Immigrants to Utah TerritoryImmigration & Emigration Books
- Residence1869Ouddorp, Zuid-Holland, NederlandWeb: Emigrants from the Netherlands, 1848-1877Immigration & Emigration Books
- SpouseSariah Jane StarrMotherFatherAllemanBirthDeath1903MarriageDepartureArrivalGreat Salt Lake ValleyResidencePioneer Immigrants to Utah TerritoryImmigration & Emigration Books
- SpouseAlma SpaffordMotherFatherAllemanBirthDeath1920MarriageDepartureArrivalSalt Lake ValleyResidencePioneer Immigrants to Utah TerritoryImmigration & Emigration Books
- SpouseChristean Stentz AllemanMotherFatherAllemanBirthDeathMarriageDepartureArrivalGreat Salt Lake Valley. Camped where Liberty Park is now.ResidencePioneer Immigrants to Utah TerritoryImmigration & Emigration Books
- SpouseJohn AllemanMotherFatherBirthDeathMarriageDepartureArrivalGreat Salt Lake Valley. Camned where Liberty Park is now.ResidencePioneer Immigrants to Utah TerritoryImmigration & Emigration Books
- OtherBirthDepartureArrivalMelbourneAustralia, Coastal Passenger Records, 1852-1924Immigration & Emigration Books
- OtherBirthDepartureArrivalMelbourneAustralia, Coastal Passenger Records, 1852-1924Immigration & Emigration Books
- OtherBirthDepartureArrivalMelbourneAustralia, Coastal Passenger Records, 1852-1924Immigration & Emigration Books
- BirthDeath1903DepartureArrivalDeseret, United StatesUtah, U.S., Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel Records, 1847-1868Immigration & Emigration Books
- BirthDeath1883DepartureArrivalDeseret, United StatesUtah, U.S., Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel Records, 1847-1868Immigration & Emigration Books
- BirthDeath1904DepartureArrivalDeseret, United StatesUtah, U.S., Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel Records, 1847-1868Immigration & Emigration Books
- BirthDeath1898DepartureArrivalDeseret, United StatesUtah, U.S., Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel Records, 1847-1868Immigration & Emigration Books
- BirthDeath1936DepartureArrivalDeseret, United StatesUtah, U.S., Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel Records, 1847-1868Immigration & Emigration Books
- BirthDeath1888DepartureArrivalDeseret, United StatesUtah, U.S., Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel Records, 1847-1868Immigration & Emigration Books
- BirthDeath1920DepartureArrivalDeseret, United StatesUtah, U.S., Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel Records, 1847-1868Immigration & Emigration Books