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Record information. Name Sarah Akerley, AckerleyBirth Death xxx x 1835Record information. Name Floyd Akerley (Ackerley)Birth Death xxx xx 1945Record information. Name John R Ackerly (Ackerley)Birth Death xxx xx 1920Record information. Name John Aloyousis Ackerley/AckerlyBirth Death xxx x 1941Record information. Name Susannah Elizabeth Ackerley / AkerleyBirth Death xxx xx 1897Record information. Name Mary Ellen (Ellin) Ackerly (Ackerley)Birth Death xxx xxx 1928Record information. Name John Ackerly AckerleyBirth Death xx xxx 1842Record information. Name Harriet Box Ackerly AckerleyBirth Record information. Name Harriet Box Ackerly AckerleyBirth Record information. Name John Ackerly AckerleyBirth Death xx xxx 1842Record information. Name Harriet Box Ackerly AckerleyBirth Record information. Name Mary Ann Ackerly AckerleyBirth Record information. Name Elmer E. Ackerley (Akerly)Birth Death xxx xx 1931Record information. Name Florence Gertrude AckerleyBirth Death xxx xx 1966Record information. Name Florence Gertrude AckerleyBirth Death xxx xx 1966
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