Record information. Name BKWxx(a) (ael*/emat*/bkw*) Oscar Blackford (sp: IsraelBirth Record information. Name BKWxx(a) (ael*/emat*/bkw*) Oscar Blackford (sp: IsraelBirth Record information. Name Naphtali ibn JACOB (10th son, Naphthalin) He was a swift runner. Deuteronomy 34.2 ; Genesis 46:24; 12th Tribe of IsraelRecord information. Name F. A. IsraelBirth Record information. Name *(Miss) of Babylon Dau of Nabu shuma ukin I. (A descendant of Isaac ben Abraham of Genesis) Israeli Tribe of SimeonRecord information. Name *(Miss) of Babylon Dau of Nabu shuma ukin I. (A descendant of Isaac ben Abraham of Genesis) Israeli Tribe of SimeonRecord information. Name John A (Stephen?) Israel